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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. and it was WONDERFUL! It was a much smaller church and EVERYONE was so nice and welcoming! They knew right when I went through the front door that we were new to their church. They also had a time during the service where you met everyone around you....very nice!


    I plan to go back next Sunday for their 'contemporary' service.....now can anyone explain the differences in their contemporary service vs. their 'traditional' service. I will guess and say maybe they have more modern music....and maybe a 'younger' crowd?


    Thanks to everyone for the encouragement....to step out of my box! I will definitely be going back!



  2. that this church (and maybe all Catholic churches) are a bit too formal for my liking. Also....it was a pretty big church....not the small community of people I was wanting. I guess you never know what to expect without visiting?


    We plan on trying out another church this Sunday...it is a Presbyterian church, much smaller than the Catholic church.


    I was trying to find something somewhat close to my house.


    I hope everyone knows how little I know about churches.....so maybe it was just me. I didn't feel comfortable there....and want a more 'friendly' kind of church....hence the smaller one....maybe?



  3. I want to first say....that I hope not to offend any Catholics here (or anyone else)....but....I did NOT like my experience there AT ALL.


    I felt it was very impersonal using a projector to read the sermon (which had no focus)....and you can't even SEE the person who is actually reading it....although I couldn't understand anything he said since he had a thick Spanish accent.


    At one point a person stood up at the front and read something from the Bible....again....no real focus on the 'message'. He never even looked at the parishioners....just read the piece...then sat down.


    After 45 minutes of this stuff.....I had to get up and leave. I felt no reason to continue....I didn't get a THING out of it.


    It also didn't seem like a 'community' of followers....


    I think I would be more comfortable in a non-denominational church?


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