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Everything posted by frankincense

  1. Here are some sources of vaccine registration/information when he's eligible: Publix vaccination https://www.publix.com/covid-vaccine/florida FL Covid testing/vaccination registration site https://www.patientportalfl.com/s/?language=en_US Walmart vaccination https://www.walmart.com/cp/1228302 Sams Club vaccination https://www.samsclub.com/pharmacy Winn Dixie vaccination https://www.winndixie.com/pharmacy/covid-vaccine Sarasota County vaccine registration https://member.everbridge.net/835908009984015/login
  2. I'm registering DD for the CLT 8 (administering it at home). I'm being prompted to enter profile information in order to register. One of the fields prompts us for the name of our homeschool. Does the name of our homeschool matter in terms of transcripts if DD ends up applying to highly competitive schools? In the past when prompted I'd always used <last name> Homeschool for simplicity. Should I have something that sounds more schooly, or is that pretentious? Or perhaps (likely) I'm overthinking this and none of it matters. Thoughts from those that have gone before me? I appreciate any advice!
  3. Yes, I found this out the hard way. The shows in the early seasons were heartwarming and quite benign, so I admit I wasn't always watching with DD when she watched some of the episodes. As it went on the subject matter seemed to get more sensationalized/intense, including such topics as suicide and r*p*. I regretted not previewing those episodes -- live and learn.
  4. Thank you so much for these suggestions! I appreciate the info. and will do what you suggest above. Whole new world, this prep-for-high-school-and-college-by-extension-praying-I-don't-screw-it-up.... 🙂 thanks again.
  5. Question for those of you that have BTDT -- I saw a pinned note a while back (thank you, Lori D) that suggested registering for an account with the College Board to get notifications of registration deadlines for PSAT, milestones, etc. I have an 8th grader and am starting to panic plan for high school. My child doesn't have an independent email account or phone at this point. Thoughts about registering for an account with my email address? I admit to being conservative about data privacy, but I'm willing to remove my foil hat and register if it seems worthwhile to ensure I'm not missing important steps in the planning process. Thank you for any wisdom! I get so much from this board. : )
  6. I see that Derek Owens offers Computer Science in addition to his other classes. Has anyone taken this class? Thoughts?
  7. She’s 12. Thank you for your responses and the suggestions on communicating - we’ve been able to communicate this and our decision has been received with respect (although there’s an undercurrent of perceiving us as too careful/paranoid). We’ll all make different decisions during this time and that’s ok - just looking for kindred spirits in our camp. It feels good to know others share your thoughts.
  8. So glad to hear someone else had the same reaction to the book. DD was given this as a Christmas gift by a relative -- I previewed it and was appalled by the content of the book. IMO, the last thing hormonal tweens and teens need is dystopian literature to begin with, and the infanticide scene was highly disturbing even from my adult perspective. Good gravy -- why is it that dark and disturbing (talking to you, Hunger Games) has made its way into the middle school lit genre in schools?
  9. Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences! To give some follow up -- Wilson Hill was very helpful in assessing our individual needs. They reviewed DD's syllabus from HSA and her grade report and gave a recommendation of the appropriate level for her at WHA. I appreciated the time and individual attention both on the phone as well as via email follow-up. We've decided to go with Ray Leven for the fall. WHA's Spanish is a relative unknown -- they have very few sample classes on the WHA website, and I haven't heard much feedback on their Spanish teachers. (Thank you, however, RootAnn, for the pointer to Samantha Lucas. I see that she's teaching most Spanish sessions in 2019-2020.) Ray conducted an individual Skype assessment and I've seen so many positive posts about him that we're willing to take the plunge. The small class sizes are also attractive. Thank you to all who replied and shared your thoughts! This board has been such an amazing resource in our homeschooling journey.
  10. Thank you both so much for your input! It's very helpful. I think no-nonsense, even veering toward brusque (but hopefully not soul-crushing : ), could actually be helpful. Although she favors teachers that are warm and fuzzy (who doesn't?), that doesn't really reflect the real world and knowing that she won't be able to coast through the class is a good thing. I like that he offers upper level Spanish classes -- few providers seem to extend offerings beyond Spanish 2 or perhaps Spanish 3. The only wrinkle will be whether he'll accept a slightly younger student. DD is in middle school and I see his classes are slated for high school students. I sent him email so will wait to hear from him on this front. Thanks again!
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