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math teacher

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Posts posted by math teacher

  1. Good morning. Got up early, but napped in the recliner. We have a dusting of snow/freezing rain on the ground-no word yet if we have school  tomorrow or not. Plans include:

    more coffee

    make rice pudding





    schedule a couple emails for school so I won't forget them

    mail and shred

    shower and moisturize

    get all the candles burning

    put the leftover chili in the freezer

    • Like 6
  2. Good morning!! We're expecting snow here today, and it's a rare event for us. Looking  forward to it. Plans:



    bank stuff

    write church check

    get a card ready to mail

    record some data

    clean two light fixtures in the kitchen



    mail and shred



    • Like 4
  3. 2 hours ago, TheReader said:

    Yes, Houston area. For us, it will be miserable, but at least we don't have the snow and stuff. 

    We should be good here at our  house - when we lost power for all those days a couple years ago, we did fine, and we *shouldn't* lose power this time. But we're stocked up just in case, know all the ins & outs for just in case, etc. 

    I'm on the Texas border, and it's supposed to start snowing here tomorrow and snow until Monday. Wintry mix is also forecast. I am expecting to be out Tuesday at least, out Monday anyway. 

    • Like 6
  4. 2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

    @TheReader Glad you are feeling better.

    @history-fan Stay warm and safe.


    It is still snowing here.  Bitter cold coming overnight.  I heard lows of -50 with windchill.  I thought we were getting a mild winter.

    We have soooooo much snow.  And more coming today.  Thank goodness the first storm on Tuesday didn't produce as much as they said.  

    Is it spring yet???

    Good grief, my brain can't even process how cold that must be.

    • Like 6
  5. Good morning-hope everyone has a great day, whether you are tackling or taking the day off. My plans:


    light the candles-done


    cook-done- chicken pot pie

    clean the bathrooms-done

    grade and record papers-done

    laminate some things-done

    mop (sometime this weekend)

    shower and moisturize

    wash my hair-done


    call my parents-done

    text sister-done

    talk to my son sometime this weekend

    wegovy shot-done


    • Like 7
  6. 8 hours ago, Junie said:

    I'm not saying that you should take the biologic, but regarding the cost of it: I know that some biologics have a program to help alleviate the cost.  That might be something to look into while making your decision.

    Yes, I only had to pay $5 per injector.

    • Like 2
  7. Are you on blood pressure medication? Some of those can cause cough. I once had a cough I couldn't get rid of, and the doctor put me on reflux medication. I was skeptical, but it worked. I know those are probably too simple for your situation, just wanted to throw it out there.

    • Like 2
  8. We had things like beef roast with potatoes, carrots, onion, and celery, grilled chicken, fried fish. My father worked shift work, so when he was home, we had good meals. I remember snacks like chocolate milk and cheezits. No fresh fruit  and fresh vegetables during garden season only. I was probably grown before I ate broccoli or cauliflower. 

    • Like 2
  9. Good morning!! Another busy day-I do not need to nap today!!



    go by at least one mattress store on the way home-done

    go to the school to start unloading my car-I have a ton of stuff to take to my class-done

    put away some stuff in the bathroom-done

    fold some laundry-done

    get cash app back on my phone-done

    slice a ham and put the meat in the freezer-done

    put some beans on with the ham bone-done

    clean the bathrooms


    shower and moisturize-done



    • Like 3
  10. Good morning, everyone!! I hope to have a productive day-kind of lost momentum yesterday. Plans include:


    dollar store-done

    grocery store-done


    cook for the freezer-done

    organize small freezer-done

    clean the kitchen-done

    clean the kitchen decor-done

    clean kitchen table

     shop for a new mattress-forgot while I was out, and not going back out

    light the candles when I get home from shopping-done

    Bible and prayer





    • Like 5
  11. 1 hour ago, LifeLovePassion said:

    I have an observation my next class period. I hate them. 

    Will have to take big to the Dr...been having dizziness spells off and on. Articulation isn't their strong skillet, so they want me to go with vs going alone or with DH. 

    I hate them as well!! I have to set the date for mine soon as break is over. Good luck!!

    • Like 4
  12. Good morning, everyone. I'm staying in bed a little later each day, but it all ends Monday. Dh is working all weedend, so I should have plenty of time to get things done.I'd just like to say how much I appreciate this daily tackling thread and all of you. It really helps me get things done!!  Today's plan:


    finish working on the refrigerator freezer-done

    cook for the freezer

    launder sheets and remake bed

    take some school things to the car-it's cold, but some of you live, work, and even play in much lower temperatures. Yeah, it's 36 F and that's cold to this southern girl

    call urologist and see if they've had a cancellation-I guess they took today off

    shower, scrub my face, and moisturize

    get the big Christmas stuff put away


    Bible and prayer


    make a dental appointment-oh yeah, closed on Friday

    burn all the candles-love to have them burning when it's cold and dreary

    send out dojo messages

    straighten up a bedroom




    • Like 7
  13. I love the idea of just choosing a couple of goals to work on at a time. For January, I will focus on balance exercises and making better food choices, along with not wasting so much money. It's been a bad habit for me to pick up junk food while I am out and about. I need to come up with something to replace that with. 

    • Like 4
  14. @TheReaderI've been getting ahead too. It really helps a lot!! We go back Monday, and the students come Tuesday, so I will have some time to make copies. 

    My plans for today:


    call my mom for her birthday-done

    get the big Christmas stuff put under the bed

    work on some reading data-did all I could, I have to make copies before I can finish

    get a goal put in our data software-supposed to have been done the first six weeks of school-oops-done

    send a parent some info on dojo

    I might send the spelling and high frequency word list out, because some parents will probably ask me for it early anyway.


    get the regular decorations put out-done


    get a list made for dollar store on Saturday-I have 3 five dollar off coupons, so I might stock up on some things


    Wish me luck-I always put too much on my list.

    • Like 6
  15. Good morning!! Took mother in law to the doctor this morning, so I am getting a late start.Plans include:

    put up the groceries-done


    clean out the garden tub we use for storage-done

    put away Christmas

    church tonight


    organize freezer

    put away the clean dishes



    defrost small freezer


    • Like 5
  16. I stayed in bed until 8 this morning-not gonna feel guilty!! Dh is working, so no cooking here.Plans for today:


    watch a school video-done

    make notes in the last teacher's guide-that will put me done for the year- This is a new to us curriculum, and I am putting notes on postits to help me teach it easily. It's hard to read and teach at the same time. The notes will stay for future use.-done

    drive into town to find a doctor's office for mother in law's appointment tomorrow-maybe stop to see if I can get some reduced candles/Christmas stuff-done

    mop-save it for another day

    finish the walls in my bathroom-done

    Wegovy shot-done

    clean the kitchen-done

    start putting away the Christmas stuff except for the tree-maybe tomorrow


    Bible and prayer

    continue working on flashcards-trying to get them done for the year-done

    clean out the refrigerator-done

    • Like 7
  17. Good morning and Happy New Year!! My plans include:

    more coffee-done


    exercise -done

    prayer and Bible-done

    replace the shelf liner under the kitchen sink since we found a leak yesterday-found water under the shelf line, so yesterday's leak was more extensive


    make the bed

    finish cleaning a bathroom-done

    clean the walls in my bathroom



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