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Everything posted by Faith-manor

  1. Actually, some of them are dead because of cops. A one hour delay in engagement allowed people to bleed to death. A one hour delay allowed him to kill more. So yes, they really did have a direct hand in the deaths because they had a SWAT team whose job IS to engage, break the door, shoot the damn perp. On top of which these same bastards allowed fellow cops to go in and evacuate their own kids, but prevented other parents from taking this action.
  2. I really did not have this on my Apocalypse 2022 bingo card. Sigh. I fear this thing has mutated for easy transmission.
  3. LOL, Rosie despite his drinking, he maintains a good, well paid job. No food stamps or other public assistance to cut. I get where you are coming from though.
  4. I am not sure at this point having a police force is doing us any good. Maybe a sheriff's department with detectives/investigators for after crimes are committed, serve warrants make arrests. No police department/patrol because if protect and serve is not an obligation, why bother? Why pay for it? We will get much further making our communities safer by diverting these resources to community mental health, community involvement, more social workers, more therapists, more counselors, more community sports and fine arts for our youth to occupy their time, more parental support, food, universal healthcare, more drug and alcohol rehab, more EMS, more Fire Department/Search and Rescue, smaller student to teacher ratio. If guns a blazing is required, call the national guard. I just don't see the value anymore. Really. It has reached that tipping point.
  5. I think we need to be honest. We are a failed state.
  6. Right. Another "one size fits all policy" that got a lot of people killed. Tiggy, I cannot imagine having to have that conversation with my kids! Props to you for managing it. ❤❤❤ I just want to go hug my grandboys, but the holiday weekend is going to be insane here, and it isn't a good time to travel.
  7. I don't know that a national strike is needed. My guess is this is going to cause another mass wave of retirement and teachers leaving the profession. It is an employee market at present, and many can do better with employment elsewhere. Sub pay here is only $90 a day. Arrive at 7:30, only half hour lunch, leave at 4 pm. I can do better at Taco Bell which is why no one is lining up to sub even though they are desperately needed. I don't see that changing. Maybe if the gunslingers, ammosexuals, and 2E obsessed narcissists have no where to send their kids to school in the fall, they might decide to be reasonable. Maybe. Not likely.
  8. Exactly this! Even in a war zone, my nephew checked his arms at the armory when he returned to base. There was none of this messed up, Rambo, Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis crap. They know better. If the answer is "every teacher has an AR 15" then I want mandatory attendance laws revoked. No government should be able to require a kindergartener to attend military school. The end. Better dumb and alive, then educated and dead.
  9. Not trained, Rambo up for cosplay, just cool dress up clothes and toys, and then "Oh f@ck this is really happening. What the hell am I supposed to do?" You have NO idea how much my nephew, Michigan National Guard, is seething over this. But he also said it is typical. They are armed for Iwo Jima, and trained for Pleasantville with police academy training being 3 months long and includes ZERO training for this, mostly just memorizing laws and procdures. They have been failed by the system as much as we civilians have. The only difference is, they willing signed up for the job and have the responsibility to get informed.
  10. W.t.f. did I just read?????? There aren't words for this.
  11. Sadly, knowing exactly how little training local LEO's have, I have no doubt they would be even less effective in an active shooter situation. I don't know the background of the border patrol agent, but we have a lot of army/marine veterans and national guardsmen serving in this capacity, and they have a TON more training and are prepped for such things along with regular marksmanship tests that are more difficult than anything state police academy offers. So it isn't shocking to me.
  12. Yes. Too many people think Rambo, Die Hard, and Mission Impossible are real. They think they are Tom Cruise though they have spent exactly ZERO time on marksmanship and training. It is delusional. My nephew is one of these nuts. I told him he is crazy. If the big bad gubmint comes for him, they will drone strike his house, lob a shoulder launch bazooka into his house, or mow him down with a tank. He still doesn't get it. He still thinks he is Chris Helmsworth in "Red Dawn" and will save his town from the North Korean army. 🙄🙄 When my father admitted to being suicidal, and admitted to a sheriff's deputy that he had a plan to shoot my mother in the back when she left for church, and then kill himself, a judge ordered the removal of his weapons from their home. No officer or deputy ever showed up to do it. We called and asked multiple times. No one came. My husband and brother had to go search the home. Since it was private property and not legally theirs, they couldn't dispose of it nor could they legally surrender it to authorities because that would have been theft which could have resulted in charges brought against them. My brother had to house it until our father died, then mom had to reregister the guns in her name using his death certificates to show proof of ownership transfer so she could finally legally surrender them. But again, he had a plan to kill her and himself admitted to law enforcement and a legal court order to confiscate, and NO ONE showed up to do it. Let that sink in. And it isn't like my husband and brother, I.T. workers, had ANY training on how to search a home. They were there for hours and thought they found everything. A year after he died of his cancer, they were doing a house repair for mom and found another handgun and box of ammo. Since then, my youngest nephew who is a National Guardsmen following four years in the Army and an Iraq deployment told them how to do a sewrch. He knew because of his training. Sadly, he was overseas when his grandfather experienced the paraneoplastic syndrome that caused his delusions and hallucinations. We could have really used his expertise. I lived through a Dateline special kind of nightmare. I have never been the same. We live in a dystopian war zone. That is America. The money, tech, and glitter makes it look "nice". But this about the equivalency of putting Este Lauder and Vera Wang on a pig for a photo shoot. Still just a dressed up pig.
  13. Hear hear! The ammosexuals and their defenders need to take a seat.
  14. I think this is an insult to pond scum. Just sayin'!
  15. Conjugal visits are not allowed in federal prison. 17 states allow them. Signing off. Already violated my own "don't comment on this" rule. Sigh.
  16. Many sex offenders are allowed to live with their own children. Not joking. Happens all the damn time.
  17. My only response is that this nation is run by imbeciles. We ban books because it might injure a child's feel feels cuz "CRT" but not guns because killing them is a.okay.
  18. In federal prison, 54 days per year (15%) is the maximum one can earn, and the rest has to be served supervised often with CSAM convicts, halfway house/treatment group home type thing. He will also be on the sex offender registry so some types of employment will not be an option for him.
  19. They had to do a recount. Images also mean each individual clip in a video. They had to do a forensics recount, and some clips got counted more than once.
  20. This was the distribution charge, and the lesser one. It is related to the passive file sharing embedded in the software he used, and is related to a clarification of a 2016 law. Essentially, he didn't knowingly distribute to another machine. The file sharing was a passive part of the software. Enhancement downgraded was because a recount of the images on his drive was 590, and level 5 enhancement on this requires it to be 600. So it went from a 5 down to 4. Trigger warning: It is a +4 for sadistic nature, upheld by Judge. +2 for the ages of victims +2 for use of computer +4 less than 600 images but more than 300 +5 for pattern of behavior According to the formula, this gives him sentencing level of 35 when added to th severity of the charge itself. A 35 is an average of 14 - 17.5 years. The judge has discretion, though not a huge amount of leeway. So could be anything from 10-18 because he has not shown remorse or an admission of guilt which works against him big time in federal court. But, he can't admit guilt and still appeal. The judge did deny him a new trial. Appeal is his only option though the chances are ex optionally slim, and essentially, a waste of his money.
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