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the system has a hiccough

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Everything posted by the system has a hiccough

  1. I have hardwood floors, so the only carpet cleaner I have is a tiny thing I bought for use in cars. (or spot cleaning the couple large rugs I have.) the shampoo you use is a huge deal, as you want something that will leave no residue. The residue will suck up any dirt that touches it, and the carpets will get dirty faster. Back when I had carpet, I preferred the job of the guys with a truck mounted system vs renting a machine. The rented machines seemed to be heavier duty than the ones for home use.
  2. then why did you even bring it up here?
  3. by giving her information about him - you have inserted yourself into his relationship with her.
  4. this. It's about respecting your son, and his choices. you don't have to agree with him to respect that it IS his choice whether he has a relationship with her or not. my dsil recently cut off contact with his favorite brother, - because he was sharing information about him with their parents.
  5. I think nebraska is similar. (may be off on the state) I was trying to help someone with genealogy. they didn't care all the people were dead, or that it was a son/grandson that wanted the record. there are places were id thieves will find children's death records, then get the birth certificate and assume the identity. I would imagine that's one reason there are states that won't give up birth records anymore. I've seen other areas where records have been accessible, then retracted.
  6. I did see a real estate ad back in march "can you see yourself being quarantined here?" Mine is fine. room for everyone, yard space. dh has had a harder time, and on friday insisted we go see dd because he wanted out of the house.
  7. I had a relative who loved to dig. She badgered another family member about my first pregnancy. I hadn't told anyone yet - but when I found out about the badgering - I refused to make any announcement to this relative. as far as I was concerned, she already knew - telling her would be redundant. and it sounds like his grandmother was fishing for information, and Scarlett, it sounds like your son is weary of her fishing for information about him. She's asking you, instead of her own son, and instead of her grandson - who the information more directly affects. and just how did she find out he was living with a woman?
  8. It was generous wanting to send your xmil a card. when she brought up your son, you could have replied "he's an adult, you'll need to talk to him." and simply refused to have any sort of discussion about your son with her.
  9. yes - rugosas are roses, they are far hardier than the typical hydrid teas/polyanthas most people have. several cities have them here in road medians and between the street and sidewalk. they're cut down super short every spring and they don't get more than two feet or so tall. some are thorny, (but they're small), some aren't as much. here are some that only grow to about two feet. I have a climber (not a rugosa) that has super nasty thornes - even after the cane died, the thorns are there and they are nasty. (my thumb is still healing from one of those thorns) But - new dawn - is a beautiful rose. it's daughter is awakening. classic english rose shape. both highly rated climbers, but I digress. here are miniature (1 - 2 ft) roses from high country roses. I've had good luck with plants from them - they're very small, cut off any blooms until they're bigger as it can kill them. I like heirloom roses (you get a bigger plant), but find them pricey. both are roses on their own roots. over the long haul - own root roses tend to be healthier and longer lived. but much slower to market size. I like rugosas because all I have to do is prune them for shape and size (and not much then.) I can basically ignore them otherwise. some are incredibly fragrant.
  10. I've messaged. so - I'm waiting - and trying stuff on my end.
  11. bless you rosie - I can't even open pages I should be able to open.
  12. there are small rugosas that don't get big. look at growth habits before you buy a shrub. I grew up with two rhodies that never got more than two feet tall.
  13. what is going on? I'm NOT a new member! I can't sign in on my account - I've tried with two different browsers. something signed me out, and when I attempted to sign-in, it demanded I set up my account (with a new user name.) what is going on? any suggestions to get around this? eta: I couldn't even get to the sign in page, now, I can get to sign out, but I can't. It will show my my correct information, I can sign in with the correct information - but it won't accept it. It bumps me here to a user name made in frustration.
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