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Posts posted by Kendall

  1. Thank you, you triggered a possibility for the Honors/Academic which he added so at least that spot isn't blank.  He also put the more well known book titles with the leadership group.  Under service I also had him put work that we have done for families going through hard times(childcare, transportation, cleaning, mowing).  It has been done as a family, but as the oldest at home he was a key(and sometimes main) worker and willingly gave his time.   It isn't organized and official but it is real and IMO just as valuable as some of the token volunteer work I have seen some students do.   Don't know if the university will see it that way.  



    • Like 3
  2. My son is taking a break from writing the essay and now working on the short answer.  2 more days to the due date and freedom!


    One question on the scholarship application is  


    Are you involved in an Honors/Academic activity? If so, list one or more.



    He isn't.  Did any of you put anything creative in there?   Maybe there is something he has done that would fit there.


    There is also a question about leadership activities.  


    He is involved in a group of local businessmen, ministry leaders, military leaders.  They have met monthly for 2 years and discussed various books on leadership.  


    He has some other things to put under leadership.  Any thoughts on what we could do with this group?





  3. Yes, I am teaching it this year.  It will be a minimum of 4 years before I teach it again so I guess I will be redoing the syllabus then.  But really, I copied and pasted from the sample syllabi  (I called and they said that plagiarism is not an issue-copy all you want)  You can also just submit one of the samples as is, but they recommended doing your own.  

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  4. For the Children's Sake - My mom put this one in what we jokingly refer to as the required reading box she loaned me when she learned I was pregnant with my first.   Or maybe it was in the recommended reading box that she gave me after I had finished the required reading box.


    Every writing book I could get my hands on.


    Teaching From Rest by Mackenzie   This would have been very good to read before I started.  I came around to much of what she says but maybe this would have saved me some of the mistakes I made.  This book encouraged and challenged me even now after 18 years of experience.  




  5. I've been debating the same things (though we are using a different text-Science Shepherd.  What I have decided for now is to give more support and do whatever I can to help her learn.  With SS that has meant writing out a study guide that guides her through the reading and occasionally using online videos and also giving simpler tests than came with the book.  When I had the same issue with another child when we were using Apologia I helped him through the material.  I also did all of the vocabulary multiple choice.  Apologia is MUCH easier the second semester.  One thing about switching is that each text covers things in a different order or sometimes different things all together.  I decided it was going to be more work to change and that Biology might still not work well with any text.    

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  6. I think that is just fine.  I did that with my last child because I wanted to move faster and I knew she would get that all again and also for the issues you mentioned.   I think I will really pick and choose which of the geometry to use this time.  I was thinking about the foundation that Julie mentioned and that made sense to me a few minutes ago, but now I am thinking that the reality here in my home is that the child that I did do all of the geometry with is currently struggling with high school Geometry and the two that I didn't/won't do the MEP geometry with(stating in Year 5) will not struggle with geometry.  Just because of who they are.   



  7. you could try Alcumus (free online, associated with Art of Problem Solving) or the Art of Problem Solving PreAlgebra and whatever Algebra I program you used.  The alcumus/AoPS to improve mathematical thinking/problem solving and the regular algebra program to shore up algebra.  I would probably run them concurrently and not back to back as it sounds like you don't have time for that.

  8. I am curious what AoPS users used in the younger grades, but specifically if you used MEP in the younger grades would you go back and do anything differently?  I am getting to the Geometry sections in MEP 5 and I am inclined to skip them.  These topics will be covered both in AoPS PreAlgebra or any Geometry text.  And the terminology is sometimes different from US texts.  I just wondered what others have done.




  9. i'm glad to know that about AoPS.  I couldn't see it just looking through the worked problems in the book, I should have looked at the solutions guide.  I could always stop and use Foerster Algebra 1 if she needs more practice in the equation solving.  Normally when those skills are taught in Algebra I they are built on and used all year, rather than taught and left.    This is my first look at AoPS and I'm not sure I want to abandon my current high school sequence/texts but I liked the things I heard about AoPS enough to try it.  We'll see.  


  10. I mean the method or rather practice of teaching all that is needed for teaching solving an equation in one variable in one short chapter and then leaving it with little to no practice the rest of the book.  I don't yet see the benefit of that method/practice of when/how to teach equation solving and wondered if there is something I am missing in my thinking.  Maybe my children just need more than that to get them to the point at which they can see any equation with one variable and automatically solve it. 

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  11. I would suggest going over every single math problem as soon after taking the test as possible.  Do this even with the ones she got right-we read this advice and followed it.  If she runs out of tests to take (there are 5 in the Real ACT book and 4 or 5 others online) then she can retake them, again going over nearly every problem.  It might be best to do this with someone who knows math and can make sure she is thinking about them in the most "mathematical" way rather than just cranking through processes.  



  12. Yes, I agree that solving needs to be automatic.  I am just pondering about the method.  Introducing it in one chapter and then largely leaving it for the rest of the year doesn't seem to be a step in that direction.  


    I'm not looking for a pre-algebra text. I just wondered if anyone else had noticed this and had thoughts about it that were the same or different than mine about it.





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