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Posts posted by Kendall

  1. We are using the Art of Poetry.  I only purchased the Teacher's edition.  I print the poems out.  So far I have found them all online, though occasionally there have been some differences in the versions I found online.  As a black and white math person I am enjoying poetry so much more as I have learned things about analyzing it.  I also see things now that I didn't before.  We are only in the 3rd chapter but so far so good.  

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  2. My dd liked To Say Nothing of the Dog a lot so it would definitely make her lists.

    It's fun. She read it after 3 Men :)


    Dd also thinks Northanger is very funny.


    And Mrs. Pollifax is well liked here too. Sounds like literary kindred spirits :)



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


    When I typed that I knew in the back of my mind that there were other books that are fun to read before To Say Nothing of the Dog.  You have reminded me that in the modern era year I have them read Three Men in a Boat, some Jeeves stories by Wodehouse, the Moonstone, and then To Say Nothing of the Dog.  My daughter would love it now, but I jealously want to save it for that year and won't let her read it until she reads the Moonstone.  The modern era can be so dark otherwise.   

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  3. The Moonstone,


    Jane Austen-Strange for me to say this, but I don't view these as romances though I guess they are.  They are amusing and well written.  My daughter thinks Northanger Abbey is the funniest one.


    To Say Nothing of the Dog


    Mrs. Pollifax


    I have assigned the first 3 as high school literature (though To Say Nothing of the Dog is probably not going to be on anyone else's list).  Mrs. Pollifax I have just offered as free reading and they get devoured by males and females alike.   


    If you are going to do Moonstone save To Say Nothing of the Dog until afterwards or it might give the Moonstone away to a sharp reader with a very good memory who reads the Moonstone in close proximity to it.


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  4. I knew very little about grammar when I started schooling my kids.  I put time into learning with(and ahead sometimes) with my 1st and now I can teach it informally and formally with no prep whatsoever.  Very true to think of this as an investment.  Everything you learn now pays off in the future when you teach your others!  


    Edited to fix my grammar mistake:)

  5. For my struggling writer I feel the need for extra time on the subject so my plan, which I am only partially executing right now, is to use something for essay writing for about an hour a day and spend another 30 minutes later in the day on writing exercises.  For the writing exercises we are using Writing in English by Maxwell, free on google books.  I haven't gotten very far, but it starts out with imitation.  They read and analyze a paragraph and then imitate it with their own similar topic.  My daughter has written some really nice paragraphs doing this and I think it gives some confidence, in addition to being a valuable thing to do for other reasons.  She is pleased with what she has written and it really forces her to think hard.



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  6. I always do To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis during the modern era.  Might not count is literature in anyone else's opinion, but it always one of their favorite books from high school(all 3 boys so far).  Lots of historical and literary allusions, humorous, well written.


    If you do E.B. White essays make sure you do the one about the hurricane called  "The Eye of Edna".  



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  7. I was talking to the Dad of a new homeschool family (K student) and the Dad is a Suzuki strings teacher.  With Suzuki he knew that you work through books 1 through 10 and then you say what concerto do you want to play next.   You work at the child's pace and adjust things as needed, but you have this basic sequence you go through.


    He wants that for homeschool, particularly math and language arts.  This way they won't be missing anything.  I told him that one the one hand you have that with any math program and at least pieces of LA depending on the program, but on the other hadn't I've spent 19 years trying to hone in on what that is for LA and that such a thing already laid out for you doesn't really exist.  Or at least not one that I think is perfect.  


    I also addressed the fact that each math/LA curriculum has it's own order and its own things that are included/excluded.  There isn't a single Scope and Sequence out there.





  8. Do any of you have a list or plan that you use for language arts for a 1st grader? 


    I have done 1st grade 8 times and I just wing it, but my SIL would like help putting together a plan.  She used Sonlight K this year and she said the language arts took too much time some days and was too hard some days and too easy others.


    So if you don’t use a curriculum like Sonlight or some other, do you have a list that you refer to, schedule, routine, etc  that you would be willing to share? 


    Her K child can read some short vowel words, to give you an idea of the phonics level.


    A recommended LA curriculum is fine, too




  9. Thank you so much!  Looks like the Henry Ford membership would be a good deal for a family with 6 kids!  


    My kids were wondering if there was anything to do in Detroit:).  I now have lots to share with them.  I love that the library is on that list of 50 ideas.  We try to stop in at libraries when we travel.

  10. I wish we could come see you in Canada!  But we don't have passports and that would cost around $800 to get. 


    Kids are 7-18 and some time during the first 2 weeks of June.  We are staying with my husband's aunt and uncle.  They haven't lived there long so I wanted to get some ideas from people with kids:).  

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