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Everything posted by Runningmom80

  1. I actually think she's inferring the context from surrounding words. We were taking turns reading Ivy and Bean last night and she did pretty good, but it's sometimes easy to tell the word that's coming, KWIM?
  2. I will definitely keep this in mind, and consider an eval. I've actually looked up the signs of dyslexia and she does show a few. She used to read words backwards but her preschool teacher was sure it was due to age. (which it could be.)
  3. It's weird, I gave her the 40L test again, and she did struggle with vowels again. I guess I'll just run through a prgram to fill in the wholes and give her more practice. She can read beginning readers no problem, maybe she uses the context to help her?
  4. She did do better when he wasn't around. I'll definitely be keeping them separate for the time being. I'm sure she'll catch up, she just hasn't gotten over the hump to where she can read anything yet, like her brother has.
  5. We will break down like this for 5th- Literature: 45 Math: 45 Grammar: 30 Spanish: 30 Keyboarding: 40 (I wish this was shorter but for some reason KWT takes him for-ev-er) Cursive: 20 Science/history: 60 Piano: 20 Computer science once a week: 60 (on these days we will not to KWT.) so most days around 4 hours.
  6. Ok, I went through the AAR sample stories, and she read up to level 4 pretty well. She needed help with the name "Cedric" and also the word "ought" in the 4th book. Other than that she did great. I think I'm just going to get some leveled readers for her to practice with and AAS to reinforce the phonics.
  7. Well, that's too much for me to take on this year, and mirrors a lot of the scattered stuff we've done in the past. My goal for logic stage is to go deeper.
  8. Now I'm thinking I'll get one of the books mentioned or OPGTR and AAS.
  9. I was considering getting leveled readers and practicing. I have her little phonics notebook here from Montessori and it looks like she did them all. I hate to start her at the beginning if she just needs a refresher.
  10. We have the DK body book, I'll have to pull it out. I still need to pull the trigger on a microscope.
  11. I'm loving it! I read the third edition about 5 years ago, when we first started homeschooling. This one makes classical seem more attainable. I still don't think I can be strict classical, especially with my oldest, but there is a lot of good stuff in there. The science sections alone were worth the $20 for the Kindle edition. I went from "meh, we'll get to science eventually," to "ALL THE SCIENCE AND MICROSCOPES AND PRETTY BOOKS!!!!"
  12. Oh man, thank you for the warning. DS is SUPER sensitive to smells. I may have to recruit good old dad to help him dissect. :leaving:
  13. I had seen the placement tests but not the sample stories, that was super helpful, thank you for posting!!
  14. I will definitely be on the lookout for Cyber Monday deals. Ok, I think I'm going to do it, the price per month to assuage my guilt of not crafting is worth the cost.
  15. I suspect it's not going to be a runaway hit here either, which is why I'm willing to purchase books at different levels to see if he likes anything.
  16. So DS isn't really interested in any sciences outside of technology. I will openly admit that we've done little science up to this point. I just read the newest edition of TWTM and "5th grade" is a biology year. He's 5th grade in age only, so I'm needing to find some books that are more late middle/early high school. I'm going to use TWTM schedule as a jumping off point, and we will of course follow any interests. That being said, I need to cover the following topics, Animal Kingdom, Human Body, Plant Kingdom I'd love for him to learn and keep note of classifications. So far I have in my cart, Animalium https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0763675083/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER The Way We Work https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0618233784/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_8?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Cells https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0982537786/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Botany in 8 Lessons https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0988780801/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Obviously I need some meatier texts. Any suggestions?
  17. Is anyone else attempting this? I have a rising 5th grader, and I'm going to follow TWTM and make this a Biology year. I would love to see if others are going to follow this schedule for Logic stage.
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