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Posts posted by pehp

  1. 12 hours ago, 8filltheheart said:

    Can you elaborate?  We were told by our financial advisor that Roths, even for kids, were limited by income.  One of our teenagers inherited a small monthly stipend from an aunt and Roth was not an option for her bc she doesn't make that amt in income.

    The “rolling into a Roth” is a new solution, from my understanding, to the “what to do with unused 529 money” and since it’s not relevant to our situation I’ve not looked into it at all, but if you’ve got a 529 you want to roll over, I’d talk to a financial advisor. I don’t know how they handle a lump sum in a 529. 

    For a Roth, yes, annual contribution is limited to earned income. So you’re running up against that limitation, it seems. 

    ETA: check the link from Schwab above. I just glanced at it—has all the answers. It’s a $35k max rollover amount, $6500 max per year, and is also limited to the rule about earned income. 🙂 So there you have it! 

    • Like 1
  2. On 12/9/2023 at 10:01 AM, cintinative said:

    That's a great question. I found this.  https://www.oregonlive.com/business/2023/09/liz-weston-my-son-didnt-use-his-529-college-savings-plan-can-i-transfer-it-to-a-grandchild.html#:~:text=You can%2C however%2C change the,for Wolters Kluwer Tax %26 Accounting.  It says that you can assign it to a grandchild (or another member of the family) or they are saying in 2024 you can roll it into a Roth IRA.  This site says the same thing about the Roth IRA https://www.schwab.com/learn/story/529-to-roth-ira-rollovers-what-to-know#:~:text=It works like this%3A Starting,or generating any taxable income.  (the lifetime limit is $35,000)

    Yep! Rolling it into a Roth would be my preference but I believe it’s a Roth for the child, which will give them a great start. We’re starting Roths while our kids are in high school for them because we like it as a retirement vehicle. Of course, that wasn’t an option years ago when we first encountered 529s and I just didn’t like the idea of being locked into it for education, so we didn’t pursue that. The Roth option is a big improvement. (But I’d still only do that if my own retirement were totally set up/funded.)

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  3. 10 hours ago, teachermom2834 said:

    Just as a reference- my dd is in private school and she has both. Last year she took Intro to Theatre as her fine arts elective and she also performed in two shows, belonged to the drama club and was the freshman representative on the drama club student council. So just for 9th grade she has theatre showing up as a credit, an activity, another club, and a leadership position. She also worked stage tech for various school functions and community performances so you can even pull service out of there. And she isn’t even that into theatre. So, while you don’t want to double dip, you don’t need to shortchange either. Brick and mortar kids get so many activities and leaderships positions etc from the same but technically different but similar activities. All of those activities of dd were separate and had different kids in them and they were legitimately different things, technically. But yeah, she isn’t as into theatre as your kid or even have any talent. It’s just fun for her.

    This year it is dance. She is taking dance class as her PE but she danced at a studio last year and that is a different thing altogether and she had other ancillary activities to that. 

    She is currently on the robotics team and she is president of the robotics club. Which are two different things but I promise you sound way more impressive than they are. If she was enrolled in the STEM course that would be a credit, too. 

    So, having graduated 3 from my homeschool and now have my last in brick and mortar school I can say, don’t shortchange your kids on grades and credit for what they do. Don’t make stuff up, that’s unethical and makes everyone look bad. But don’t hold them to a standard that is not comparable to peers either. 

    That’s a helpful frame of reference—thank you!! I think we’ll be doing 1-2 credits and then the rest activities! 👍

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Lori D. said:

    What do the colleges he wants to apply to require for admission? If one or more list a credit of Fine Arts in their required credits, I would list a credit, just to reduce possibility of raising any red flags on his transcript and potentially having to deal with an admissions officer who has decided to go "strictly by the book" about transcripts and requirements.

    That said, I would guess that if a college requires a Fine Arts credit, that would be a subject they are likely to be flexible about, esp. if he has credits over the required amount in academic subjects such as Math, Science, and English.

    Just my 2 cents worth. 😉


    I've never seen PE as a required credit for college admission. PE is an Elective, and colleges just require some Electives as part of the required credits -- Electives can be anything. 

    But you do want to have some Electives on the transcript. Some ideas for Electives:

    PE and/or Health
    Religious Studies
    Personal Interest (done as a course of study or learning projects)
    Consumer Sciences (the old "Home Ec")
    Personal Finance
    Public Speaking
    Career Exploration
    Driver's Ed
    additional credits in Fine Arts

    And of course, there are Academic Electives
    (additional credits in English, Math, Science, Soc. Studies, or For. Lang. beyond the required # of credits for high school graduation / college admission

    The colleges we’ve examined so far do not list fine arts…..or PE…..I’ve obsessively made lists. Ha! 

    His electives are likely mostly going to be academic in nature, like extra foreign languages, or Econ, theology, etc. After this year (10th grade) he will have fulfilled *most* of his required-for-college basics, and so junior and senior years will be a chance to focus on what he really likes, which are things like theology, languages, philosophy, etc…..(we could graduate him early but no one is in a rush for that around here!). 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Farrar said:

    If a student is involved enough, you can break it up. They can have a theater credit (acting class, etc.) and an activity (the performances, etc.). My theater kid had theater as an activity (multiple shows doing tech, stage managing, acting, and also a summer job working at a theater) and had a drama class for English where he watched and read plays. My dance kid had ballet as an activity but also his stretch and conditioning was a PE credit. I just worked with a kid who had dance history because it was a component of their dance program. They counted that as a half credit and the rest as an activity.

    I second that having a fine arts or performing arts credit or credits is a positive thing. Many schooled students will have both a class and activity if they were heavily involved in an art at the school.

    That’s helpful-thanks! So far I’ve only been really recording and describing the “academic” credits, but we have WAY more than enough for one fine arts credit. 

    Along similar lines, what about PE? Again, I’ve just ignored it because I am focused on the academics. Between hiking the AT and involvement in ballet (he’s not a dancer but he gets roped into being in ballets as a sort of “warm body who can also partner with girls in party scenes”), we’ve definitely got enough hours for a couple of PE credits. I’ve never placed much mental value on that, but perhaps it would be good to include those on a transcript as well. 

  6. 6 hours ago, SanDiegoMom said:

    I think it would be best as an activity, except as mentioned above if he needs a fine arts credit.  My daughter is all in on ballet - started out in 9th grade at 12 hours per week and is up to 15, 10 months a year, with four week intensives in the summer.  She has no option to have it as part of school anyway, and since she doesn't do very much besides ballet it would look very bare to not have it highlighted as the most important extracurricular. 

    Our daughters must be on the same wavelength! My 12 year old is at about 13 hours per week—except, of course, right now. 27 last week and 50 next week. Can you say “Nutcracker?” 😳🙈🥵

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  7. 10 hours ago, EKS said:

    I think that if you want to showcase his interests, it's probably best to keep the drama as an activity.  That said, if you are requiring arts credits to graduate, he will need something in that slot.  If all he has is drama, you could take the work from the first year (or two) and make it into a credit (or two) and then put the rest under activities.  We did this with my son's instrument, and it worked fine (for fairly selective out of state flagships as well as the in-state flagship).

    So far I haven’t included any fine arts as a graduation requirement. He is advanced-intermediate at piano and has also done a lot of art, so we won’t be hurting for *something* to fulfill that requirement. I guess that begs another question: should I require a fine arts credit? 🤔 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. 2 hours ago, SanDiegoMom said:

    Just fyi - the nice thing about 529s for those with younger kids is that you can roll over up to 35k into a Roth IRA for the child if it is not used for education. This can only happen if the 529 is 15 years old. We unfortunately have a Coverdl Ira which is not addressed by the new law that was just passed.  But who knows - maybe it will be included down the road. 

    This is definitely a nice perk that would set a child up really well for their future!

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  9. If your child were heavily involved in theatre, would you include theatrical hours as a *credit* on the transcript for drama, or would you simply add this to "activities?" I'm torn.  My son puts in probably 200+ hours per year into theatre so it surely deserves some attention, but at the same time, I feel ridiculous awarding him an A (although he does do a great job!).

    FWIW, we are not lacking credits.  By the end of 10th grade we'll have 13 credits and they're all hard academic ones (no PE, no arts, no electives other than theology). 

  10. 2 hours ago, SanDiegoMom said:

    My daughter applied to I think 12-14 law schools.  Accepted to one, waitlisted at a couple, rejected from the rest.  She did get accepted off the waitlist however, and she's there now and so grateful! But it was such an anxious year!

    I bet! I think it was really stressful for our niece also. And right now the job market is saturated, so finding a summer job has been tough as all the law students are competing for a few slots. After my 1L year I took an amazing unpaid internship with the US Attorneys office and then after 2L year secured a great job with the law firm that eventually hired me. It didn’t seem hard then, but it seems harder now. 

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  11. 8 minutes ago, cintinative said:

    I didn't read the other responses but we just met with our financial person on Thursday and he actually recommended we did not put more money in the 529 we have. The reason for that is that if we end up not using it for some reason (like one of my son's gets a large scholarship), then you cannot remove it from the 529 to allocate to something else for 15 years. He recommended that we put any additional money we save in another type of investment so that we can access it later if it is not used for our child's college education. 

    This was our thought process as well. Definitely don’t want to be locked into a 529, and the “tax benefit” wasn’t sufficiently strong to convince us to give up the flexibility! 

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  12. @Lori D. Point well taken re: spending on higher education without a clear goal! I majored in philosophy so I was one of “those,” but it was during my college career that my plans began to gel and form, and those years were valuable as a time to ripen. Fortunately it didn’t cost a fortune because my “public ivy” was affordable—sorry I can’t say the same for that school now. 😕


    For this particular kid, I suspect we’ll see some more direction over the next 2 years. He’s only a sophomore, so I feel like the next couple of years will be big growing ones! 

    He adores those residents! I can’t see him in the medical field, but actually—chaplaincy? I could see something along those lines. He’s the nicest person I’ve ever met (seriously), and has a gentle heart with a deep-thinking brain. He has spent time with a very sick cancer patient (his daddy) and a terminal patient (my daddy) and has empathy as a result. I was encouraging him to maybe cut back next semester and not work again until summer and he said “I can’t—I’d miss the residents too much, and I don’t want to come back and find that any of them died without me knowing.”


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  13. 16 minutes ago, kokotg said:

    Parent savings are assessed at a much lower rate than income, so using that money will have a relatively small impact on your expected contribution. Paying off a $30,000 loan would likely mean about a $1500 reduction in your EFC (or whatever they're calling it now). Would getting rid of the $500/month payments mean you could come up with $1500/month toward college instead of $1000, or were you already accounting for that? Because if it's $1500,  then you're looking at being able to contribute $18,000/year toward college costs, which doesn't leave you with that big of a gap...and you've said you're willing to use savings to cover some costs, yes? Also, are the $20,000-25,000 NPC estimates you're seeing not including federal loans? Most schools that meet demonstrated need do include federal loans in the package. Parent loans won't be included, although, yes, home equity may be included in some opaque way in the formula. 

    Yeah-technically the entire mutual fund is mentally earmarked for educational expenses, but obviously the less we use of it, the better! So we will likely use a combo of that plus income. Just as little of the saved as possible. 

    I believe when I’ve looked at the NPCs I am writing down a figure that always excludes loans, but I will keep an eye on that because I don’t want to accidentally include it when I am doing my initial evaluation! Good tip! 

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  14. @8filltheheartRight! Because at first my husband suggested reducing AGI next year by maxing out his 401k (which we did until that aforementioned car loan last December), but since those contributions are added back in, it won’t matter. 

    I also agree with you that I think the EFC could end up higher. Several CSS Profile schools are on our long “initial list”—the starting-point comprehensive spreadsheet I created to compare prices, sizes, NPCs, and many, many other details. I’m noting which schools are CSS on that.

  15. @Lori D. thank you for the info-I didn’t know the FAFSA is being revamped!  I’ll be interested to see how that plays out/changes things. You’ve included so much useful info. I also appreciate all those links—I’ll be interested to examine those! 

    Trying to determine whether to pay off the loan we have and maybe invest in a Roth is the main issue here. I’m thinking we’ll go for it, since 5.64% of $100K is more than, say, 5.64% of $60-70k.

    We’ll need to crunch the #s for my son’s earnings—he’s a saver!  

  16. 2 hours ago, Miss Tick said:

    Have you done any saving for college costs? I didn't see it in your list.

    ETA I see that you invested your inheritance, but nothing in a 529 fund? I'm just asking since that would be the first place I would stash college money, and it is pretty flexible and could be used for either cold, I think.

    Right! We opted not to do a 529 because we don’t want to be locked into using that money for education in case we don’t need it. We have no plans to open a 529, as we don’t see a benefit of a 529 over our current investment. (And we want the flexibility.)

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  17. My husband and I are trying to determine how best to strategize some investing over the next year or so in preparation for college and Life Ahead. I plan to post here but eventually delete the relevant details, but for now I'll give some basic information-

    Our son is 16 and a sophomore.  My understanding is that next year (2024) will be our "base income" year from the perspectives of colleges scrutinizing our finances for his college education.  His sister, who is almost 13, is in 7th grade.  My husband and I do not think there's any way to reduce our AGI, so I suspect it is what it is in terms of our income next year. 

    *Income: I work very very part time (5-10 hours per week) and plan to continue that next year.  My husband makes about 10x what I make.  We're in the lower six figures. I think our AGI will be about $100K next year, maybe a bit less. 

    *Debt:  Last year we took out a loan for a car--which I think we may pay off this month (it's at $24K, this is part of the strategizing, see below). No mortgage, no other debts.

    *Retirement: Hugely variant with the market but we've been aggressive investors and if we put NOTHING else into retirement (which is not the plan) and the world stays relatively stable, we will retire with plenty. We currently invest something like 18% of the salary, I think--I can't remember as we change it from time to time. 

    *Other (here's where the strategizing is happening): a $10K CD I keep just in case we need it; a bit of cash on hand in savings/checking (nothing remarkable), and $100,000 in a mutual fund--this is what we're scrutinizing.  I inherited that money from my grandparents a few years ago and since we didn't need it, we just invested it, with the idea that it could be used for college expenses down the road, if needed. 

    We are toying with the idea of using $24K from the mutual fund to pay the car off.  The interest rate on the loan is 5.75%. This may roughly match the interest rate we've gotten on the mutual fund. If the car loan were, say, 2% and we were seeing an 8% return on the fund, that's an easy choice. But since they're fairly close, we may just rather pay it off and get rid of the $560 monthly payment, freeing that money up in our monthly budget. My husband is considering taking $6500 out to open his own Roth IRA, and then using money from the fund to max that out over the next few years.  So we're looking at removing about $30,000 (this year) from the $100K fund, leaving $70K. And we are thinking about using that a portion of that money over the next couple of years to max out the Roth we may create in my husband's name, which would decrease the fund additionally. (I already have a Roth IRA, so that's why we're focusing on him.) 

    *College plans: We are not going to allow our children to borrow money for school, nor do we plan to leverage ourselves for that. However, from the FAO's POV, I suspect we're good candidates for a parent loan since we have some home equity (probably about $275K). I'm concerned this might "bite" us, since we have no intention of borrowing money. I think we'd be able to contribute about $1,000/month for tuition out of pocket just from our current income.  Also, I may be able to pick up more work, especially once my daughter is college-aged, which would increase our income and increase the amount we can pay OOP. I've run NPCs all over the place and they're wildly variable.  I think *in general* most schools seem to think we'd be paying $20K-$25K OOP per year.  Except for some schools, who are higher. (I'm looking at you, my public school alma mater!!!) 

    I suppose the question we're grappling with is this: does it make financial sense to pay the car loan (we are leaning heavily toward that) and open the Roth (not sure we'll do this or not), and reduce our set-aside cash on hand? Or should we simply keep the mutual fund intact as much as possible? How much does a FAO take into account that type of fund v. income?

    *Last note, re: types of schools: no idea about my daughter yet.  My son is a straight-A student so far (except for those B+s he currently has in 2 classes, time to buckle down!!).  He's historically a good tester, so with prep I'm hoping he'll do well on the SAT, but we have no idea yet.  We're still in the very earliest stages of exploring schools and options. He's a pretty gifted languages guy (French 4 and his 4th year of spanish this year, hopes/plans to study French in college, along with something else--not sure what yet).  He is on the spectrum, big into community theatre, works in a retirement home, has a father who survived stage 4 cancer. He's smart and solid, but he isn't currently doing anything that I would consider a "wow" to admissions officers.  Maybe I'm underestimating him. 🙂 But I'm trying to be realistic!

    Cash on hand or paying down debt/investing in retirement...what do you think would ultimately be better, and would have the least negative impact on our potential aid?


  18. These are great ideas about how to help him recognize the reality of passing time! Thank you all so much. 💙

    We have a Time Timer that he utilizes (I bought it earlier this semester). The visual nature of that type of timer is super helpful for him. He also tends to use the pomodoro technique—but struggles to keep breaks within preset boundaries. 

    I love some of these suggestions!! 

    these life skills…so hard and yet so essential! 

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  19. 1 hour ago, SanDiegoMom said:

    My oldest daughter is ADHD, and the passage of time thing is definitely a red flag.  She used to get lost in thought staring in the mirror brushing her teeth.  Not just for a little while, for 45 minutes.  She will always struggle with procrastination as it is baked in.  Taking away things that she loved to do wouldn't have worked -- she was always LEAST productive when she had the most free time.  

    She's read a ton of books (Driven to Distraction, Delivered from Distraction, Atomic Habits, books by Dr. Barkley, and learned a ton from the youtube channel How to ADHD. She's also on two ADHD meds.  So, better, but still not perfect. Is there something that can lock down other windows on the computer to make it more limited? 

    Yes! That was always something my sister has struggled with. A “quick” task would take 30-60 minutes. It was epic. My son isn’t quite at that level, but he does get surprised by the passage of time, or isn’t able to figure out how much time things will take. I will say he’s pretty good at being on time or early for the things that matter to him (work, theatre) although he’s usually last to the car for church on Sundays. Ha! 

    I have not found anything that would limit other windows  (I’ve looked a little bit, am underwhelmed with our new laptop’s lack of capabilities there), although something might exist! 

  20. 1 hour ago, 8filltheheart said:

    This is why I would connect distraction and internet surfing with physical time. It helps them connect that surfing on the internet consumes and wastes as much time, if not more,than if they were off doing something else completely. Wasting time on the internet is not less innocuous than wasting time watching TV,  hanging out with friends, playing a game, etc. It is actually more so because it doesn't seem real.

    Yeah. I appreciate that and may implement it, especially since more physical time is better for him (I sometimes force him to go outside and walk around the farm). Fresh air is so revitalizing/mentally refreshing! 

    I think there’s wasting time and investing time. TV I see as a generally universal waste (I know others would disagree…we don’t even have TV access), friends and games I would generally consider investments, and the type of internet use he typically does is also investment (he’s a learner for sure) although funny Babylon Bee videos are a waste. Maybe an investment in laughter. Jury’s out. 🙂  So there’s some nuance in my analysis. It also doesn’t help that I somewhat regard chemistry as a waste….but we’re not telling my son that! 😉 He WANTS to like it. 

    Physical alternatives make a lot of sense to me. Walks are good, & chores are helpful! 

  21. 40 minutes ago, Alice said:

    One other thought. If he has ADHD (which he may not but sounds like it from the description) he may not be able to just "not procrastinate". So asking him to do that as a requirement to be able to audition might feel unfair. It's not just willpower for people who truly have issues with focus/distraction.  

    One option would be to provide very specific scaffolding- like break down an assignment into small bites and look at it with him over every step. 

    Another option would be to accept the procrastination, I know you said he isn't thriving now and that might not be a good answer. I know with my own son who does have ADHD that he absolutely works better under pressure. Part of helping him as been to point out choices and reframe procrastination as a choice he is making...but not as a bad habit. He feels less bad about himself which then makes it feel more like just the way he works rather than a struggle. An example would be this past weekend. He had an English essay due Monday. He could have worked on it over Thanksgiving break but he didn't. He started it Monday night around 6 pm. But he knew it was his choice and he was glad to have had the break to just goof off and not do work, even though Monday night was stressful. But he got it done. 


    I just saw your reply...I know I said I'd be hesitant to drop the theater. I still would. But I do think it's reasonable with a 16 year old to say "Look, I can see that you are stressed and something has to change. Unless you can think of a better solution, as your parent that loves you, we're going to have you take a break from theater."  

    I have often wondered/suspected that he’s got mild ADD (no hyperactivity in that one but inattentiveness and laser focus, alternating, as well as slow to respond at times—deep in thought—poor sense of the passage of time, etc). My sister is *severely* ADD & I see the similarities, although hers is way worse. And you’re right-it’s tricky for someone without it to help someone with it, because my rationale is: just quit procrastinating already! Which just doesn’t provide solid help for that type of brain. 

    Reframing it as a choice is helpful. We’ve done some of that already—will keep going in that direction (even though I totally think it’s a bad habit-ha ;)). 

  22. @Alice Good question! He doesn’t want to cut anything back! We have discussed dropping chemistry and replacing it with something more self-paced/less homework (and I’d overlook the $1200 loss, gulp—we are truly willing to do this to buy some margin) but he is pretty adamant that he not drop any classes. I respect that. He’s going to cut back to 1 day/week of work in January and we may drop the job altogether until summer (neither my husband nor I worked while in HS during the year, so I don’t think it’s really necessary—but my son loves the residents at this retirement home and doesn’t want to totally lose contact!). 

    My son likes all his classes except chemistry. He just doesn’t like the *workload* for a few of them —at least that’s my interpretation. He unequivocally loves languages and philosophy/theology, but also enjoys math and loved physics last year. 

    I’ll be structuring next year differently, that’s for sure. 

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