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Posts posted by Faline

  1. My dd's long tangly hair is now tamed. Wash with conditioner only--no shampoo! Apple cider vinegar in the final rinse water does help. I do the little-bit-of-conditioner-in-a-spray-bottle-of-water trick too. Really helps.


    Once in awhile if I want her hair to look really nice I wash it with conditioner and don't rinse it out. That makes it REALLY easy to comb, and it gets curlier than normal too.


    I can't believe the lack of tangles since we started doing these things! I don't even need a brush anymore.


  2. I just learned how to crochet, like, 2 days ago, and I have already crocheted a bag which I am presently felting. I am so thrilled with how easy it is to crochet a small bag, I am thinking everyone is going to get small crocheted/felted bags for Christmas this year :)


    Oohh, I am so in love with felting--it is just the coolest thing! I just crocheted some felted slippers for myself and am working on a second pair. They are so fast and easy that I'm thinking about working on some this winter to give for next Christmas. I know crocheted slippers sound really corny and old fashioned, but felted ones are NICE! I wanted to knit some, but I can crochet much faster. The pattern I got also has some felted clogs that I'd love to try too. When I was a girl my grandma used to make crocheted slippers for us (not felted back then, of course), and now that I'm old enough to appreciate it, I think they were just soo sweet. Anyway, I'm rambling...have fun crocheting!

  3. An idea for someone who wanted something sweet and romantic for their dh. For last Christmas I got a board and painted it, painted a border around it of a coordinating color, then stenciled the words "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" on it. I didn't even put a hanger on the back--left dh do that after he opened the gift. :) Dh, who doesn't normally get into gifts, was pretty pleased with it. He promptly hung it on our bedroom wall (where I showed him I wanted it, of course).

  4. Tupperware has a wonderful product called FridgeSmart for keeping produce fresh and good. Their fridgesmart keeps romaine lettuce good about two weeks for me. If I don't get around to putting it in the container right away and it gets a bit wilted, I can put it in the container and it will crisp right back up as good as new.


    They have a couple different sizes of rectanular ones. I use the largest for romaine.


    They also have a round one that's good for iceburg.


    I agree that FridgeSmart containers are wonderful. I just can't get over how long my spinach and lettuce stays crisp in those things!

  5. Hey, Faline, I made some of these after reading about them here. I went to Goodwill and found a thick wooly sweater. But it was too hard to unravel to get the yarn free, so I just lopped off the arms and rolled those up really tightly, bound them with thick rubber bands, and sent them through the next few loads of laundry.


    Then I stuck them into the nylon, and voila, we have achieved dryer ball status!


    I don't think mine are gift-giving material, but I'm happy with them. :)


    Homemade dryer balls made with recycled yarn--you go girl! :thumbup1: Glad it worked out for you.

  6. It does not have to be out of the fridge for the cream to separate. It takes maybe 4-5 hours. I store the milk in the fridge in a glass gallon jar, then when the cream separates (you will easily see when it is separated) I carefully skim it off the top using a small dipper.


    Now if you want to make butter, the cream should be room temp or around 68-70 degrees. I let my cream sit on the counter almost all day sometimes before I get around to making butter and we are fine. :)


    You do know you can make butter in the blender?

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