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Posts posted by Faline

  1. This article describes my DS to a T! Can someone clarify the excercises that would help him. I have noticed for years how stressed he is with writing and I knew it had something to do with him being both left and right handed, but I didn't know there was a way to help him. Thanks!


    The Writing Eight exercise is what Dianne Craft recommends. I heard her speak at a hs convention, and I can't tell you what a relief it was to hear her describe my ds and how to help him. Look around on her website or email her. She is very nice. I bought the Brain Integration Therapy Manual. The Writing Eight exercise is in there. It's probably in DVD form somewhere too, but I don't know. It is too soon to tell for us, but I'm praying it makes a difference.

  2. I wouldn't let it stress you, mom, if he does this. It's always nice to hear viewpoints and what to watch/check for!


    It's not automatically a symptom of a big problem!


    Oh, I agree! When I was talking about writing stress though, I didn't mean actual physical stress from the act of writing. More like a learning glitch in the visual/motor area of the brain. I just wanted to make the OP aware of that fact, not to stress anyone out!



    Faline, who does have a dc with a learning glitch

  3. I'm sure this has been discussed before. The main problem is his skipping words or making up words as he reads along. He gets the general idea of what he's reading, but it sure isn't word-for-word. Which isn't so bad if he's reading a story,but if he's doing a math problem it can be troublesome. He has struggled with reading from the beginning. Is this something he will outgrow, or should I be doing something to help him? He is always one step ahead of himself anyway, and I think he needs to slow down and read it right.


    For example, if the word is Charley he might say Charles the next time he comes across it in the story. Or call Jim, John.

  4. What age do you start this and do you skip any lessons? 1st grade starts out so basic that I could easily start this in the last part of kindergarten. Would that cause a problem later on (to be ahead)? Even in 2nd grade the lessons seem soo repetitive that my dc get bored. Is there a problem with skipping some lessons? I understand they're going for mastery here, but my goodness...

  5. I think it's the hard water. Even if you clean out the dishwasher frequently with vinegar or other hard water remover, it does not clean inside the jets. Eventually the jets become clogged and suffer from low water pressure. Once this happens the dishes don't get clean or rinsed properly; it is impossible to fix.


    We had a dishwasher for a long time that worked poorly due to this. I finally bought a new one. I was amazed by my beautiful, clean dishes. However, it was less than a year and the same thing was happening (even though I cleaned it at least twice a month or more) - cloudy dishes that often did not seem clean. Finally I realized what was happening, and I now wonder how long my family ate off dishes that were covered in dish detergent film as well as mineral deposits because they were not getting rinsed off well..


    I believe the hard water has something to do with it. Our dishes just aren't getting clean.


    As someone else mentioned, have you cleaned out the filter? We had an old dishwasher in an apartment once, and it didn't seem to be working properly. The repairman came, and he pulled all kinds of things out from under the center post, that had been clogging the filter and drain. It kept the food particles, etc. from being rinsed away as they should have been.


    It was one of those dishwashers that required a good rinse before putting the dishes inside. After that, it worked fine!


    We did take it all apart on Saturday and scrubbed everything. I haven't used it since. Dh did that at least once before, but I didn't help and was in denial because I didn't want to give up my dishwasher. But this time it was the last straw. I can't keep living with dishes like this!


    I may give it one more try though with the pre-rinsing.

  6. Honestly if I had to wash my dishes before putting them into the dishwasher I would ditch the dishwasher. What is the point of that?


    I feel this way too. This is problem is not new, but I'm just fed up with it.


    1. You are supposed to clean your dishwasher monthly with vinegar. (Not in the book, but I've found that it needs it at least twice a month in a hard water area.) To do this, you run your dishwasher empty with 1 cup of vinegar in the bottom. You fill a 2 cup glass container with 1 cup of vinegar and wedge it upright so it won't tip over in the bottom of your dishwasher. Run your dishwasher cycle as normal but without soap, and you can put it on the coldest dry setting and stop the machine when it gets to the dry mode if you remember. This last step is not necessary, it just conserves energy.



    Edit: I just noticed you clean yours with vinegar, too! It may be broken, ours is starting to not get the dishes very clean, my FIL thinks the transmission is out and we need to get a new one.


    When we were in a hard water area, I finally found a special spot remover powder to run with the dishes that helped. I can't remember what it was called, but it was at most of the local supermarket/supercenter stores, in a package that looked like a mini sized powdered dishwashing soap.


    I do the vinegar, but only once a month. IF I start using the dishwasher again, I will try twice a month.


    I wonder if I need a new one.


    Thanks everyone!

  7. One thing I'd check - is the hot water line working? It almost sounds as if your dishwasher isn't getting enough hot water in it.




    I dunno about the hot water. I know our sink water gets reeeaalll hot. Dh can check into this. Thanks!


    I have never had to scrub the walls or anything -- the inside always comes out sparking clean, and we only scrub things that will dry on like cheese or oatmeal.


    Yep, that's the way I pictured a dishwasher working. I am none too happy with mine right now.

  8. Apparently I don't get it.


    Yesterday dh and I took ours apart and scrubbed it out....eeewwwww. Major yucko. I have been washing dishes by hand ever since. There was stuff GROWING in there. I just can't handle that.


    Ok, so we haven't been rinsing any dishes. I do all the pots and pans and big things by hand. We run the dishwasher once a day. We have hard water. I use powdered detergent (probably too much of it sometimes, esp when dh and the dc fill it). About once a month I run it empty with citric acid, baking soda, and vinegar. That used to get it nice and clean, but lately it hasn't done the job. Also there are always a few cups that don't get clean but have some gunk in them, like it wasn't rinsing well enough or something.


    WHAT is wrong? I HATE scrubbing goop off the walls, parts, etc. It is just...too much. Is this a normal part of dishwasher life? Are my expectations too high? Enlighten me! (Thank you!)

  9. Yeah, and the last 2 issues of Family Fun magazine had advertisements proclaiming that HFCS is just the same as regular sugar. :rolleyes:


    ETA: Actually I think the advertisements claimed that HFCS has the same amount of CALORIES as sugar. I don't think it actually compared the two healthwise, but still. It definately makes it look like HFCS is just as harmless as sugar.

  10. Ok, I asked my library about it today, and here is their reply:


    /QUOTE/This is what has been communicated to us:


    To all,


    I just got off the phone with Kristin Murphy from ALA in Washington DC.


    Good news.


    At this time we do NOT need to do anything.


    The ALA has a meeting with the Obama administration tomorrow to

    specifically address this issue, and it appears preliminarly that this

    position and opinion from Congress will be re-evaluated and that this

    was not their intent. So, probably without doing anything we may be ok,

    and this matter will get resolved in a "common sense" way.


    If we would need to do anything, sign affidavits, etc., we would be

    notified again - hopefully that will not be necessary.


    For now, we are ok and do not need to do anything or contact anyone.






    I guess this is good?

  11. We are usually all together in one room in the evenings (either the living room or kitchen). We do a LOT of reading, usually a family read-aloud since most of my dc are small. Or the dc play legos or something, or we just hang out. We listen to a favorite 30 minute radio show. Once in awhile we play a game. In the summertime we are often outside.


    The evenings go seem to go by very fast.

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