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Everything posted by tdeveson

  1. Doesn't seem very merciful to the rest of us that had nothing to do with it.
  2. Gotta love the gods -- death and ****ation to an entire species because one woman was disobedient.
  3. Originally Posted by Tabrett I think the term pagan is refered to anyone who doesn't worship the God of the Christian Bible. They worship the same god.
  4. She *so* had that coming. You're a better person than I. I would have told her to go pound sand a long, long time ago.
  5. He needs to hear that. It's great that he forgives her -- it's better for his health. But forgiving someone and bringing them into your house are two very different things.
  6. You can't have a crackhead in your house with your children. Period. Tell him this and let him deal with it. You are in no way being unreasonable. He, on the other hand, is considering something very, very foolish. He needs some frank talking to.
  7. A lot of kids are not ready to read in first grade and there's nothing you can do about it. They invariably catch up just as soon as they're ready. My oldest daughter learned to read on my mother's Bible. By the time she started school, she was very literate. My son, on the other hand, could barely read in second grade. Now, in fifth grade, he reads at 6.5 level. And yes, you can teach a child to read without any program. Don't forget that only in the past 100 years or so have there been formal programs. For the other five or six thousand years people learned without.
  8. I don't know about your state, but here where I live I pay a large sum of money for school taxes every year. For my large contribution to the public school system I get exactly nothing in return. No books, no curricula, nada. I would see a tax credit as getting my money back. Those that public school their kids already got their money's worth.
  9. Sure, for a hefty tax credit I would. A register isn't going to make any difference in the big scheme of things. The state already has my name.
  10. Well, for one thing, it's not hers. Remember how she shaved her head about two years ago? You don't go from bald to hair down your back in two years without extensions. Other than that, she looks like she needs to bathe more regularly.
  11. Wow, thanks! I just grabbed two scrumptious recipes.
  12. I love the reviews that say, "I changed this, that and the other ingredient, stirred instead of whipped and the recipes was a bust." Bam! one star. :) Makes you want to say, "Hmmmmm."
  13. :iagree::iagree::iagree: The wisdom of the masses really works at allrecipes.com
  14. I hear you. The government hasn't had a good track record in a long time, but I'm hopeful. I've gone through the bill. I'm not a lawyer, but I didn't find it cryptic. (Although I did ask a friend who is a lawyer for clarification on a couple of things.)
  15. Better yet, go to BC and don't get sick. It's gorgeous! You just want to be outdoors all the time. My husband is from Victoria on Vancouver Island. Is that every beautiful! Of course, I'm from Florida and all I know is scrub and swamp, so I'm easily impressed, but I love it there.
  16. The one the House Means and Ways Committee passed in July. I expect that's as close to the final product as any, although I'm sure that will morph before it's all said and done.
  17. There are tax incentives for small companies to cover their employees. Why would small employers who are already covering their employees with no incentive now suddenly quit covering them when they start getting a tax incentive for doing so? One thing does not appear to lead to the other, IMHO.
  18. Do you know what province she was in? Each province runs its own system. The richer provinces have everything. The Maritimes and Quebec, not so much. :( If you have to get sick in Canada, do so in BC. Even the view out the hospital window is superior. I think they messed that part up. The system is national, but the money is not. Meh! Nobody can get it right.
  19. The incentive is the fines they're going to get if they don't continue to pick up the tab. Read the bill.
  20. It's not free to foreigners. As an American she had private insurance paid for by herself or her employer depending on her contract. If she had been Canadian there would have been no money exchanged.
  21. There is a cutoff -- smaller employers will not be required to offer insurance. Does someone know what the cutoff is on the bill?
  22. I love this. Only in a homeschooling forum would you see this. At every other forum I've encountered this topic there is blood on the floor. Here, there were a few shots across bows and then someone pulled the document and they're going through it. The rest of American has a lot to learn from homeschoolers.
  23. If you get insurance through work, none of this affects you. Your employer (or your partner's employer) will continue to pick up the tab. Reform only affects those who purchase their own plan and people who do not have benefits at all.
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