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Posts posted by sbgrace

  1. I feel badly for you because I know how uncontrolled OCD wrecks havoc for everyone in the family. I know it's painful. I know you want peace and that's why your asking this question. And that is what this is about. Not the flu.


    Are you on an SSRI currently? Have you ever done any cognitive/behavioral therapy. The best thing you can do for yourself and your kids is get the OCD under control.


    In my case (my OCD issues aren't this area) I know that I can't control anything by ruminating and worrying over it. I've also accepted, as best I can, that my kids could die. I have to do that because one son has a metabolic condition that, barring new treatments that I pray for, will kill him at some point. And facing that made me realize that even when that isn't "in our face" all the time things happen to kids, even healthy ones, like car accidents. So we do what we can and live each day for joy. Your fear is robbing you of joy and peace. And I know what that feels like. OCD is a monster. But you can get help and keep it in it's cage so to speak. What feeds OCD are the compulsions. And based on what I've seen here I think at least part of your compulsions are seeking reassurance, seeking information, and going over it in your head. So is the checking for breathing of course. The only way to make the fear calm down is to stop feeding it. That means when the thought pops in that the flu could kill them or they could be dead instead of reading up on it, asking questions here, asking people in your life to reassure you, checking on their breathing, etc. you tell it "that's true, that could happen" because it could. And you don't do whatever the thought is driving you to do. It doesn't matter to your OCD mind how unlikely that is to happen. It matters that you can't bear the thought and so do things to reassure yourself that it can't, hasn't, won't happen. And those things never last and then you repeat. Or something along those lines. Whatever the fear is you have to accept the possibility to calm the OCD.


    I know none of that was probably helpful to you. I feel badly that you are so torn up. I strongly encourage you to combine the most effective SSRI for you (even if it didn't help entirely) with cognitive behavioral therapy with someone who works with OCD. The OCD foundation has lists of therapists who specialize in OCD. Ideally there is someone near you. If not I believe there is a place out of NY that will do phone therapy too if there is no one near you and they do work with "mental" or "pure" OCD which might be part of it for you.


    I wish you peace.

  2. :grouphug: I'm so, so sorry. :grouphug:

    I don't know the needs of your BIL and what support resources he already has but my sister lost her husband and found an online support group/bulletin board for young widows and widowers helpful. http://www.youngwidow.com/ It's for people (male and female) who lost a spouse. Many have kids. I think it made her feel less alone in it. The site says:

    Visit our internationally recognized bulletin board. Connect with other young widows and widowers and share experiences, feelings, and information to help you get through this emotional time. By connecting with others, you know you are not alone.
  3. What you want is levels of 25 (OH) D to be in the 50's. How much it takes to get there if a person is low depends on the individual and their level. So there is no way to make a good recommendation without knowing levels.


    1000 IU per 25 pounds will maintain most people's vitamin D levels. But maintain isn't good enough if you're low. It took me 9-10,000 IU per day to get my level to normal.


    Kids over age one and up to 10 (I think on the 10) can safely take 2000 IU per day (or 1000 IU per 25 pounds). So that is a good option for a kid when you don't know the level.


    Adults can take 9,000 IU per day without getting too much. So that is what we're giving my husband right now during flu season since we don't know his level. I'm taking the maintenance dose (and extra when I've been out and about) because I know my level is good.

  4. We wash with soap and water when available and definitely after public restroom use. We do use sanitizer when soap and water aren't available. But alcohol doesn't kill stuff like c. diff that can be running around in restrooms (and hospitals). I always use soap and water on my way out of a hospital too for that reason. Alcohol can't get all bacteria basically. But it's good for killing cold viruses!

    I'm a flush with the foot and open the door with a paper towel person too. I don't know what it was but on a recent trip through Georgia every rest stop, gas station, etc. we visited had no paper towels. And my kids (and grandparents with us) pee constantly. We purchased paper towels and I brought them in to the restrooms from there on out just in case. It really is gross to me to have no paper towel to turn off the water, open the doors, etc. I mean...when you start the faucet your hands are, presumably, not clean. Or if yours are there is no certainty the first person's were. Especially if they flush with their hand when a good portion of people are using their feet to flush!

  5. I looked and I believe the discount school supply marble run is produced by PlayGo toys and their manufacturing is in China.

    It is listed as ABA plastic which is a "safe" plastic. Quercetti is (I imagine, couldn't find about the marble runs but similar toys of theirs) made of ABA too. And they have a lot more information regarding the safety of their plastics. Plus Italy production. I'm pretty picky and I'd be ok with Quercetti I believe.

  6. Are you certain it's 15 out of a 100 without any obvious failure?

    If so I'm shocked.

    My husband and I have used condoms for years with no pregnancies. I'd think statistically we'd have several by this point if 15 out of a 100 have holes or whatever.

    But you can get (very, very rarely) pregnant without a catastrophic failure or user failure. There would have to be a manufacturing defect. You can also have pregnancy symptoms because hormones go nutty without an actual pregnancy and I hope that's the case for you.


    edited to add: I looked and see nothing like a 15% failure rate with correct usage. Correct and consistent usage is 2% pregnancy rate from what I can tell and this includes catastrophic failures which would be more likely in that pregnancy group than what the OP is fearing. The larger (15% rates to 20's) are for typical usage which includes lack of consistency and improper use. I think the rate of pregnancy without obvious failure and when the condom is used start to finish has be very, very low. Not impossible but low.

  7. That's the dose to maintain current vitamin D levels. For prevention what you want is adequate vitamin D levels (in the 50's +). And the dose that it takes to get there of course would depend on the person's level. So without knowing a vitamin D level it's impossible to suggest a dose.


    I know my level is very good so I'm doing a maintenance dose. I know my kids were in the 40's so I'm doing 2000 IU per day for them. That is 500 to 1000 more than the maintenance dose. For kids over age one, 2000 IU per day of D3 is safe. So that would be a good choice for a child when the level is unkown. I think the upper safe dose goes up at age 10. If 2000 IU is less than 1000 per 25 pounds for your child I would dose higher for my starting minimum for sure.


    We don't know hubby's level. He was taking 5000 IU per day. I bumped it to 9000 IU per day now because of this flu. Research shows 9000 IU should be safe for adults.

  8. I think the concern for Oil of Oregano is the same with garlic (my other favorite) in that it could possibly induce menses and so a miscarriage and/or cause contractions. Green tea should be safe. I'd also think about elderberry possibly if I were actually ill and had a reputable source.


    On the Oil of Oregano. It's antibacterial as well as antifungal and all kinds of good things. Like any other antibacterial agent/antibiotic you want to use it when you need it for a duration of a least a week. It may be working the way you're doing it but I see that as similar to using an antibiotic at the first sign of an illness and then stopping when symptoms go away. I treat oil of oregano like an antibiotic because it is. But I get that what you're doing has worked!

  9. I've got two very different kids and one with a very short attention span. They both loved:


    Orchard by Haba (I give this game as a gift a lot, it's really terrific)


    Snail Pace Race by Ravensburger




    One kid loved Hiss (Gamewright)


    Both enjoyed Zingo (Thinkfun). But I don't think it was at three with short attention span child. It's like bingo essentially.

  10. Why are you thinking this would be better for your family?

    We tend to school on Saturdays because my husband is here and can participate in certain things. However we skip other days, especially Friday, for various reasons. We school year round so it all averages out.

  11. I so appreciate all the input here. I am feeling more confident now about approaching the group leader/group. I think it is just going to take some getting used to so it doesn't seem so awkward to me.


    Fortunately, he's almost six and my cautious kid. He knows not to eat anything unless I've approved it. I'm glad for that. I will not let him eat any baked goods at all unless I prepared them myself. Even products not labeled can be processed on shared equipment with nuts. The cross contamination risk that just isn't worth it. However, others eating products that don't actually contain nuts (but might be on shared equipment) don't worry me. We've got epis now. I just really hope to never use them.


    All of it is taking some getting used to.

  12. If a child is anaphylactic to nuts, is it pointless and/or off-putting to mention it to homeschooling groups when there will be food? Specifically, is it in bad form to ask people not to serve or eat nuts or peanuts at events with my child?


    I don't mind bringing my own things for my son to eat. In fact given the circumstances I prefer it. However, I did get worried at the last event when kids were eating peanut butter and then playing on the equipment (they did not know of my son's ana. reaction which was very new). I don't know people well yet and I worry about how it is going to go over to mention this issue?

  13. I don't expect people to stay home when a family member has a cold. That's different, though, than one or more family members have probable flu symptoms including high fevers. You can assume the other family members are likely contagious. I would. And the flu by definition hits fast. So if you've got some sniffles you don't have to wait even a day let alone a week to know whether you're dealing with the flu.


    Similarly when a person is recovering from the flu and still actively coughing and sneezing and so still likely contagious I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that person to avoid others as much as possible. Both those things seem responsible to me even if inconvenient. Colds are different though I don't send my kids to activities with other kids snotting and sneezing. It's gross and unnecessary. That said, I don't worry about my son catching a cold. I worry about the flu.


    But I know that others don't see it that way. This is why we are isolated the entire flu season every year.


    FWIW, my kids are pretty isolated socially during flu outbreaks (they have a metabolic condition) but that doesn't mean they are stuck in the house. They are outside running around right now. They also see friends who I know will cancel if anyone in the family is sick.


    My very rural area has a drive through pharmacy. But when I go to the pharmacy during flu season I expect I'm going to be exposed to the flu just as I would visiting a doctor at this time of year. I'm the one using the drive through.

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