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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. We had a few days worth of Sonlight read-alouds to catch up on yesterday, so we packed up a bag with our books, a snack, water, and a blanket and walked down to the creek back behind the house. My ds3 played in and near the water while I read to the older ones. We snacked, read, and splashed all afternoon and when that was over, the big boys stayed down at the creek and "explored" while I took the little guy home and popped him in the tub and cooked supper. Ahhh, days like that are such a joy.


    Today, not so much. :tongue_smilie:

  2. PS - he should save at least one fav. set for his kids someday!!!!! I am holding on to our Victorian Dollhouse and stuff for my grandkids!


    Yes! Save some for the grandkids. My MIL just gave my boys some old Battlestar Galactica space ships that had belonged to my DH. My boys were over the moon with toys that Daddy played with when he was little.


    As far as the Playmobil and ebay, I suggest you search for closed items similar to what you're wanting to sell to see how they were listed and how much you can reasonably expect to get.

  3. We are a mountain biking family, so my son was excited to find a book at the library called Mountain Bike Mania by Matt Christopher. Apparently Matt Christopher has a series of sports books out, but the problem is that I've never heard of him and don't currently have the time to pre-read this book. What can you tell me about them?


    I'm pretty free with what I allow my kids to read, but I don't like books where kids have bad attitudes and treat others disrespectfully, even if they learn their lesson in the end. I don't even let them listen to Adventures in Odyssey because my kids are just too young to pick up on the fact that they are showcasing how not to act.



  4. I too have used RS from the beginning and add in CWP. The only modification I've made is to assign the CWP chapters only after we've covered that particular type of math in RS. i.e. I skipped all the subtraction in bk 1 and had him do all the addition sections, and then went back and picked up the subtraction after we covered it in RS. I don't want him to learn the math concept from Singapore, I just want him to practice what he knows.


    Also, I have him do the level that corresponds to the RS level that he is currently in. I haven't run into a problem with that so far.

  5. I love OPG. It is a wonderful, structured program that is so easy for a parent to pick up and teach the next lesson. And it works! By the time the kids are through with the book, they are reading on about a fourth grade level.


    It has worked wonderfully with both of my very different sons. With my first son, I would set the timer for 15 minutes and we would get 3-4 lessons read during that time--it took us less than a year to get through the book. With my second son, we can only do about 10 minutes and get through 1/4-1/2 of a lesson. Unless he speeds up drastically, we'll be in the book for more than two years. (My niece, btw, was the same as my second son--went through it more slowly, but finished reading all of the Chronicles of Narnia about the same time she finished OPG.)


    I would recommend that your friend get the book and set the timer for 10-15 minutes a day and go for it! I would also just read, read, read to her.

  6. Look at the circles beside each name in this thread. Some are green, some are gray, and mine is red, meaning I can't be tracked. In your control panel you can click "edit options" and put on your invisibility cloak.


    Thanks for letting us know how to be invisible. :)

  7. http://libraryelf.com/FAQ.aspx#noSpam


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    So while RSS aggregators usually offer an option for users to designate whether one's folders and feed information be public or kept private however you may want to contact your RSS service provider for more information or if you have questions about your RSS software.




    Important Note on Privacy: Bloglines apparently treats RSS feeds public even if you have set your profile to private. If you are a Bloglines user, you may want to change your delivery method to email only.


    With respect to privacy, is a record (history) of the titles kept? [ Top ]



    In general, no histories are kept or recorded. Due to the way RSS works, however, an RSS file is published for users who have chosen to receive RSS feeds. Old or previous RSS files are not kept or retained. It's worth noting, Elf does its checking in real-time and information is based on what is obtained at time of checking (and not stored).

    Is Elf affected by the US Patriot Act? [ Top ]



    We don't think so. We are based in Vancouver, BC Canada and it's our understanding that the US Patriot Act does not apply here. Furthermore, our privacy policy states that we will not share any information unless ordered to by a government court order (which, in our case, would be the Canadian government).




    Elf only does its checking in real-time. This means that no history file is kept of your items out. Due to the nature of RSS, a copy of one's current account status is kept for your RSS feed, but this only if you have opted for RSS feeds.


  8. You weren't wrong, but being the mother of a 'grouchy bear' type of boy, I would have expressed sympathy with his fustration but not reiterated that he chose to stay home when you had said you wouldn't be able to help him. My son gets so mad when I do that and therefore I've learned not to!

    :iagree: From what you said, it sounds like he didn't ask you for help with the game. He, of course, should not have responded so rudely to you, but I can see why. If I were the little boy I'd be thinking, "well, um, I didn't ask for your help." (Just my self-righteous, inner snot-nosed brat coming out. ;) )

  9. I've set up a bare bones wiki and would like a few people to help test it. I've set it up so that anyone can look at it, but only registered people can edit.


    So, if you're interested in helping me test the wiki, please email me at robinorscott@gmail.com with your WTM forums user name. I'll take the first ten people I hear from. I'll open it up to everyone after I get the bugs (mostly) worked out.


    I'm so excited about this! I think we can make our list be one of the "go to" book lists on the web. :)

  10. I knew Edward Norton (actor in American History X and Fight club) in high school.


    So did you also know Colleen? She went to high school with him too.



    Jesse Jackson spoke at my high school; and, as part of the SGA, I got to have breakfast with him.




    I taught Jesse Jackson's great nephew. He was a feisty little boy who had a very short temper. Once, when he was mad at me, he said, "I'm going to call my Uncle Jesse on you!" I replied, "Great! I'd love to meet him." He didn't try that again.

  11. :rolleyes:


    The youngest guy is two. I think that he will be just as gifted. He started humming the entire Imperial Death March from Star Wars when he was about 15 months old. He will tease us and has an unusual awareness of jokes and sense of humor. He'll make up a joke and then say "I tease!". He listens to what I read the older boys and asks questions like "Where Bilbo go? Bilbo go to work? No.... trip. Bilbo go trip!"


    My three year old is very similar--he's been making up little jokes since he was two. For example--after hearing the song "Toot Sweets" in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, he went around singing "toots stink". :001_rolleyes:


    My first two are bright, but he's showing signs of giftedness.

  12. Mind if I ask what your plan is with your 3 y/o? My youngest just turned 4. I'm thinking of keeping my older two together with Sonlight, then going back to Core C with my youngest when he's officially a K'er, maybe even 1st. I'm not sure if that is realistic or will be too much to juggle.



    I think I'll do Core C when my 3 year old is in K5. He just turned three, so he won't be K5 for three more years. He's very bright and actually follows along with a lot of the read alouds even now--he absolutely loved Doctor Dolittle--and can answer some of the simple comprehension questions. Sometimes I wonder if he'll remember all of these books and be board when we do it again.


    Did you find that your oldest got much more out of Core C then your middle did this year? My oldest is very into Sonlight, where my middle tolerates it, but only a handful of readings really grabbed him. This has me hesitating on when to start with my youngest. My middle does quite well with his skill subjects though.


    My middle son's attention to the read alouds improved drastically this year. At the beginning, he had a very hard time sitting still and listening. He'd just give me a blank stare when I'd ask him the questions at the end, or ask him to tell me three things he learned during the reading. Now he listens and comprehends very well. I don't think I'll have as much difficulty with my 3 yo when he's in K5 since he listens in already.

  13. I stressed about this at the beginning of this year. I am also using Core C with my sons in second grade and K5. I too plan on doing Core 1 and Core 2 for the next two years. My 2nd grader is currently using the grade 3-5 readers.


    I was really stressed about not having Sonlight readers for my son for the next two years, but once I saw how trivial the questions in the instructors guide were, I realized that just reading good books for the next two years would be fine. We won't be missing anything by not having an official list of books to read.


    I plan to come up with my own list using resources like Honey for a Child's Heart, and 1000 Good Books List for reading assignments during the next two school years. I'll try to stay away from assigning books he will read in Sonlight in the future.

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