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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. WHY should it be open to all students? It's a business they're running and have no moral obligations to your child or any child other than to serve food in a sanity environment.


    I'm not all riled up and I don't feel that my kid should be able to participate in everything a public school kid can. However, I feel it is a bad business decision on Subway and Scholastic's part. This contest is an advertisement for them and they are alienating a particular group of patrons.

  2. What it does say, according to the rules, is that it is open to private schools. What about the states where homeschools are authorized as "private" schools? I'm not too fond of Scholastic for some of the other reasons that have been listed here, but looks like I won't be rushing to Subway anytime soon either.


    Exactly what I was thinking. Here in NC my homeschool is considered a private school. We even have an official school name.

  3. One more question/thought, If you are starting your rotation with math, and you only get through a few subjects you then start where you left off, right? So there is a possibility they would have a day without math?


    I've done something similar in the past. For me, I start every day with math then everything else picks up where we left off. We're starting Latin next year and I would add that to the "do every day" list.

  4. In no particular order:


    1. Mr. Brooks--no redeeming value to this movie at all. No lesson learned, no spark of humanity in the bad guy, just passed his demented and evil ways on to his daughter.


    2. Titanic--the scenes of the dying and drowning people at the end really bothered me.


    3. Some mini series based on a Stephen King book about people caught on an island during a storm and in order to escape, someone has to give one of their kids to the Devil/a devil.


    4. A movie I watched when I was little (and I had no business watching) that started out with a scene of a man burying a woman in a shallow grave and then after he leaves, you see her hand coming up out of the ground. She survived and the rest of the movie was about he life afterward. May have been some TV movie about domestic violence--sort of like an afterschool special for grownups.

  5. Oh.. my.. holy heck!! --The Blair Witch Project. I couldn't go into the woods behind my house for months.


    It's funny, but this movie didn't scare me in the least. I think I get scared at movies that could be real or could happen to me. In Blair Witch, those people made stupid decision after stupid decision. Part of staying safe in the woods is thinking, not going off trail, and having everyone in on the plans and route, etc. I laughed at them and called them stupid. :-)

  6. One more thought - I gal by the name of Carmen & Co (I think) wrote a very nice and detailed post several years ago about speed reading and what her and her son had used. It had lots of great information in it. I thought I had saved it, but I cannot seem to locate it. But maybe if you are more internet savy than me, it could be found in the old boards archives. HTH


    I remember that post and thought I saved it--alas, I can't find it. Hopefully someone else has it because it was very good!

  7. I hope you didn't think I was saying you "should" have known his intentions.


    Oh, sorry--I know you didn't mean it that way. :-) Incidentally, I talked to my friend a while ago and as a dog person and this dog's neighbor *she* knows that the dog is a friendly, excitable dog. Since she's the one who has to live with these people I won't report the dog right now. If they come after her for compensation, though, I'm prepared to get involved.


    Thanks for your thoughts!

  8. If I were there, I could tell you from body language what the "rushing" dog wanted - to play or to attack. Chances are, he thought he was defending his yard with a good bark, or he was wanting to play. Did he bite back?


    The problem here is that he came dashing out of a row of thickly planted cedar trees--we didn't see him until he was already on top of us. I don't think any of us had time to read the dog's intentions.

  9. Yesterday my friend and I went on a walk with our kids and her two dogs. We had 7 kids ages 7 and under with us and the two dogs were both older--a golden retriever and a black lab. The bigger kids had the dogs on leashes on a public road and my friend and I were just behind them with a baby in a stroller and a toddler.


    Another dog (Labradoodle) came charging out of his yard, through a hedge, and surprised us all. It happened so quickly I can't tell you exactly what happened, but my friend's golden took a large bite out of the side of the charging dog. Now my friend feels like she's going to be responsible for the other dog's vet bill, but I and several others feel that she shouldn't do it. We feel that her dog was on a leash, on the road and was protecting herself and the kids from attack.


    So, if these people demand that our friends pay the vet bill, do you think they should? Also, should we help pay the bill because it was my son who had the dog on the leash and let go of it when the dogs started fighting? (I'm tempted, though, to call animal control and report the attacking dog as a vicious animal since he wasn't on a leash or inside a fence and charged at a group of small children.)


    I'm not a dog person and don't know what to do or how to react. I was bitten on the face by a large dog when I was younger and am very leery of big dogs.

  10. Ouch! Do you know what happened (so the rest of us can keep an eye out for it)?


    I don't know what happened. I have it set to notify me through RSS feeds. It normally comes through just fine on my google reader page. I hadn't seen anything from Library Elf in the past couple of days so I went straight to their site and it said I had 27 overdue books.

  11. Library Elf flaked out on me and as a result I now have 27 overdue books. Thankfully I got concerned when I hadn't heard from them in a while and checked my library website myself. Unfortunately, I can't renew my books on line because I have an excessive amount of books overdue. GRRR...

  12. *I* would do it because I am close to my family and wouldn't mind spending the time and money to see them--especially if I could really relax without my kids in tow.


    But, you can't live your life doing things you don't want to do just to please others. It sounds like you don't want to go, but I would encourage you to look past some of the details you've mentioned and ask yourself, "Would I enjoy this trip?" Don't get so caught up in all the reasons not to go that you don't consider the fun you might have while there.

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