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Oak Knoll Mom

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Posts posted by Oak Knoll Mom

  1. Plus (living in Michigan) it's important to me to buy an American car, though that's getting complicated now since other companies are building US factories and the big 3 are starting to manufacture overseas.


    It is getting more complicated. For instance, the Toyota Sienna has engine components made just three miles here from my house, and the floors are made about 40 miles from here. Actually, the plant my husband used to work for made floors for Honda, Toyota, (and GM). Many foreign automobiles provide jobs for Americans.


    My Mazda MPV was mostly assembled here in the US, shipped to Japan for the engine and then shipped back here for sale. Crazy, huh?

  2. I'm finally caught up with BSG and am excited to be able to finally participate in the discussions!


    I'm not so crazy about this season, either. I don't like that Apollo is no longer in the military, I don't like that they've turned Starbuck into a loon (not that she had it all together before--she's now a different kind of crazy.:tongue_smilie:) DH and I watched the last three episodes of season three last week and we were both underwhelmed with them and where it led the story for this season. I'm looking forward to seeing it through, though.


    Who does everyone think is the final Cylon? I listen to the commentary podcasts and Ron Moore said that they didn't pick the four newly revealed Cylons until they were writing the script. I find that funny because I had Tyrol and Ty pegged as Cylons pretty early on in Season One!




    I also don't like how they steered the plot. Suddenly Capirca (sp?) 6 can sense the "other 5". Oh please?!?! Wouldn't she, and Boomer's replacement--Athena?? known about her too? And, what about the Aussie chick? The reporter?


    I think Caprica 6 can sense them now because they were sleeper agents and have recently been activated. I think Athena is deep in her choice to be a human and is ignoring any Cylon sense she may have. The reporter's model, D'Anna, is in storage.


    Ok, I'm going to crawl back into my hole and hide my inner geek again. :lol::lol::lol:

  3. Senator Obama has said repeatedly that he doesn't agree with Wright's comments, either, but clearly many of the people on this thread are not reassured. My opinion is that the situations are analogous but are being treated very differently by the media. Of course, analogous is in the eye of the beholder ;), but I do think it's telling that so many people here had never even heard of the Hagee controversy.


    The biggest difference I see is that McCain doesn't refer to Hagee as his spiritual mentor unlike Obama referencing Wright as his.

  4. Please go see the doctor and have him checked out! We had pinkeye last year and my boys got over it very quickly with no medical intervention, but like Aubrey, I had complications--it took over two months, two doctors, and two rounds of medication to get rid of it. I was in horrible pain and was close to being hospitalized! It was awful! Many times we think pinkeye is nothing more than an inconvenience, but I learned that it can cause severe problems if not treated appropriately. ((hugs))

  5. My family is full of double birthdays, but what's so funny is that, for the most part, they are on different sides of the family. Two cousins on opposite sides of my family share a birthday. Two cousins on my mom's side shared birthdays with my grandparent's on my dad's side. My MIL and my aunt share a birthday, I share a birthday with my dh's grandfather, and my SIL and a cousin share a birthday.


    I and several of my cousins were all born in December--on the 2nd, 4th, 8th (catch the pattern?) and then one cousin had to go and mess up our neat little math trick by having a birthday on the 15th. Oh so close...


    My mom and her grandmother both had kids on December 4th and Sept 29th. And September 29th is my brother, grandfather and great-grandmother's birthday. They were able to celebrate all together several years before my great-grandmother died.


    I reconnected on facebook with an old friend from high school and noticed that she and my dh were born on the exact same day. Turns out their moms were roommates at the hospital! Noele and my dh have never met though.


    Oh, and my niece was born last year on 07/07/07. (and she wasn't even an induction or c-section--apparently a lot of people scheduled births for that day so their kids would have that birthday!)


    That's all I can think of right now. :001_smile:


    ETA: A friend has a brother, husband and BIL all named Michael and a sister and SIL named Jennifer. This same friend was born on Good Friday the 13th. ;)

  6. I don't see anything abnormally dangerous about it. A car is not that high. I think it's a difference in parenting standards only. Some parents are more comfortable with some level of risk than others. They balance out a child's need to explore and experiment and decide that is more important than keeping them injury-free. There are benefits to the ability to explore and experiment as well.


    I would like to gently add that for those of us who do parent this way, the op's suggestion of calling social services felt very judgemental and condemning.




    And for the record, my *3yo* fell out of the back of a pick-up truck onto the concrete driveway yesterday. He's fine and I think he's learned his lesson. I can't tell you how many times he's been disciplined for climbing into the truck bed, but he seems to be a kid who has to learn for himself.

  7. We have a newly renovated library--half million dollar renovation--and now there is not enough room for the entire children's collection to be housed in the same area. (Can you say, "tax dollars at work?")


    Now I need a crash course in Dewey so that I can guide my kids to the section of the shelf that holds the books they are looking for. I'd also love something I can print out and take to the library with me.



  8. I think I am about ready to scrap spelling, but want to check just one last time. Is there anything important that I will miss if I skip the rest of the SWO series?


    I can't answer any questions about what you will miss in the rest of SWO, because we are only on Level C ourselves. However, keeping a running list of misspelled words may not be the best way to identify words your daughter can't spell. I am a terrible speller and if I don't know how to spell a word I want to use, I just substitute it for one I do know. I end up not using the richer vocabulary that I can when speaking. Just something to consider. :-)

  9. Cool! I'm practicing, too. But, who was it that said something about a little plus sign? I don't see that, even though what I just did appears to be working.


    My multi-quote button has a plus sign on it and when I click on it, the blue background turns red and the plus sign changes to a minus sign. Also, I have to hit the multi-quote button on most of the posts I want to quote and then the quote button on the last one. Took me a while to figure out!


    (I say my multi-quote button because you may have different tools based on how you view the board--this is what works for me in linear.)

  10. You see that they posted, but not the content of the post; unless you have it in hybrid mode. In hybrid mode, you can see the post, but I usually try not to read; otherwise, it will get my dander up. :-D


    You will also see what they wrote if someone quotes them.

  11. The idea that "It seems so selfish to say that it's up to those of us in linear mode to make sure we understand what you're saying."


    I realize not everyone is saying the same thing...I was more directly replying to Oak Knoll Mom's assertion.


    But you know what? I've been second-guessing ever since posting, and I probably shouldn't have responded at all.




    I'm sorry I used the word selfish.


    Here's my point in all this, (which I can now state a little more eloquently now that we've had this little discussion,):


    It is good for *everyone* for *all of us* to use the quote button on the post that is being replied to. It keeps the flow of conversation going for those in hybrid mode and gives context to those of us in linear. We all can do a little give and take in order to accommodate all viewing modes.

  12. We found that quite a few of these "camps" are merely day care in disguise. We signed my oldest up for a science camp at our local science center a couple summers ago. There was a lot of play and a little science. We decided not to waste our money on those types of things again. Basically, we could tell a difference if the program/camp offered before care or after care. Those were the ones developed for working parents to use as day care during the summer.


    We had the same experience a couple of summers ago. This year we are sending the boys to a day camp at a sleep away camp. (does that make sense? :))

  13. ...as to why I don't keep the quoted material in my reply post...it's because it can be a little laborious, moving the cursor to just keep part of someone's lengthy post, as opposed to just highlighting and deleting.


    I can see what you're saying... but of course, if you ever really need to know what the reference is, you can always switch to hybrid temporarily and see what the poster was responding to :).


    Is it really that hard for y'all to leave a little bit of the post to which you are responding? It seems so selfish* to say that it's up to those of us in linear mode to make sure we understand what you're saying. I think it's the responsibility of the person writing to make sure she is communicating clearly.


    (pressing "submit reply" with trepidation...I don't think I've ever been this confrontational on the board before:leaving:)


    *I apologize for using the word selfish here. I should have found another way to get my point across.

  14. Thanks for all the great replies so far--keep them coming!


    Follow-up: ie. Are regularly scheduled field trips important to you? What about a monthly mom's night out? My sil's co-op made a yearbook this year (each family submitted a page)--would that be something that would interest a lot of people? Any other ideas?


    (background that I probably should have included in my first post. This is an academic co-op currently limited to 32 enrolled children. Moms and younger siblings come to class also.)

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