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Status Updates posted by elegantlion

  1. To answer your question, no, I haven't "let myself go". Myself has gone on its own. It didn't need my permission.


    I think I love you, that was just beautiful......

  2. To Kay: Thank you for the time with us, you will be greatly missed.

  3. You can hover over threads now! How awesome! Thank you!

  4. It snowed a little today. I am not excited. Ds was thrilled, I am cold.

  5. My dh wants to use his birthday money to buy a Christmas tree on Black Friday. For some reason, I find that hilarious. Maybe because he wants to go out on Black Friday, maybe because I'm thinking of going with him. He's also considering waking a sleeping teen. I might have fun just observing.

  6. Right back at you, babe. I'm tearing up reading all these replies.

  7. Nan, thank you for many of your posts over the last few days. I was printing off a few this morning and ds was watching. I told him he should remember your name since he would need to write a thank you to you after high school graduation.


    Thanks for sharing your experience.

  8. Of course you can wear white. Will dh walk you down the aisle? ;0


    You're a hoot!

  9. Maybe you're already pregnant with his baby and just don't know it yet.

  10. I don't know about cookies, but I made brownies yesterday. :) They're gluten free. I'll share a virtual brownie.

  11. Sadly some oldie but goodie threads can not be resurrected. ;)

  12. Tag you're it. Where'd you hide the coffee?

  13. A note on my new avatar for those of you who might be curious. This is how my brain feels after working on my NaNoWriMo for the month. I have one week left and after that I'm sure the expression on my face will be just as surly. :) Have a beautiful day.

  14. Welcome to my user profile. Not sure how all the buttons work, but hey, let's give them a try.

  15. I hope you are not too cold, it's seems to freezing temperatures in a lot of places. ;)

  16. Sharing the love right back at you, babe! Someday we'll really get together and share a cup of coffee, glass of wine or something of the sort.

  17. I wanted to let you know we have NaNoWriMo social group here if you are interested in joining. Even if you are not sure you can participate in the nano, you are welcome to join our group here. :)

  18. I waunt 2 bee ur freind, 'cause eye yuse bad grammer un spellin' to. :)

  19. ;) I hide my face because I wanted you to see my beautiful hand (NOT). You didn't see my puffy eyes in the photo did you? Good.

  20. Maybe it's.....(she runs away screaming)...... granny pants.

  21. Good morning, Lolly! Hope you slept well.

  22. How would Lolly know?

  23. Oh, rockermom you rock my world. You're cool beyond compare. You keep us centered, keep us sane and you have great hair.

  24. You may speak of fermions, bosons or anything that will help my ds understand physics. We are going to park the RV at your house when he is ready and you can teach us both, oh wise one.

  25. company comes before cleaning :) Welcome to the Beach house. It's not the furniture, it's who is sitting in it that matters.

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