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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. My 7 year old son is a very beginning reader (Think 1st set of Bob Books) and I would like your thoughts on Language Arts for this fall. I did some research and see a lot of people use WWE, FLL etc... I don't want to use these programs. I have in the past and didn't enjoy them and I don't want to repeat that experience. Maybe I don't even need anything else. Here is what I have planned so far...


    Reading: Dancing Bears (This is a new program for me so we'll see how it goes)

    Explode the Code


    Handwriting: Pentime Grade 2


    Writing: No plans at this time, maybe second semester???


    Spelling: No plans at this time, maybe second semester??? (Maybe Rod and Staff???)


    Should I be adding in more even though he is so new to reading? I feel like he should write more but I don't feel like WWE is the answer as it looks too advanced for him. I am not hardcore, but I lean towards Charlotte Mason methodology but I am not opposed to textbooks for a few subjects. Any thoughts?

  2. Thanks! Doesn't sound like it would work for someone with insulin issues (me!).



    You might want to check in on their facebook page as I have seen a lot of health issues resolved from other ladies. It is worth a look.

  3. It is more complicated than just being low carb (which it is, but not in an Atkins or Paleo kind of way). You do not count calories. The main thrust is food combining. If you eat really low carb, you can also eat high fat. If you eat higher carb, you eat lower fat. You get all your food groups with this plan but there are three things you pretty much avoid, wheat, milk and real sugar. You can have other grains, tons of dairy products and natural sweeteners.

  4. I followed it for 6 weeks and lost 10 lbs of stubborn weight that previous exercise and calorie restriction just wouldn't budge. I felt so amazing on the plan and was always satisfied. I got derailed when we went on vacation and had a lot going on in my life but I'm looking really forward to starting back on Monday after I get to the grocery store. Besides all I mentioned, I felt like it was very healthy to eat on plan. It is a winner. Their Facebook page is very active.

  5. I am really torn about which science program to use next year for my 7th Grade daughter. I want something that is easy for her to implement as this will be her first year working more independent of me. I will be starting college in the fall so I'll need something that doesn't require too much of my time.


    We already own Apologia's General Science but I'm concerned the reading level might be too high or the content boring. The labs also look difficult to follow.


    She looked at BJU life science and really liked the looks of it. I did too, but I've read it is a rigorous program and the labs are difficult and expensive.


    Finally I've looked at Rainbow Science and it looks complete and easy to implement but I wonder if it's too easy and goofy in its writing style. It also feels somewhat outdated.


    I would love your opinions and feedback as I'm at a loss here.


    Thanks. That does make me feel better about not going through Canada!!!


    And we're planning to stop somewhere along the way and stay a night over - one night on the way there and another night on the way back. (Now I just need to figure out where to stay over - that old John Denver song about Toledo Ohio keeps playing in my head and making me want to find some place other than Toledo. I'm open to suggestions, folks!)



    I live in Toledo actually so if you decide to stay somewhere near here I can advise you.

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