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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. I used to have a daughter like that (I say used because she isn't like that anymore). When she was about that age I let her become an independent learner. It revolutionized our homeschool. She is the most motivated kid I have. She always, ALWAYS gets her school done first thing in the morning. She has grown by leaps and bounds. The main reason we had such trouble was she just doesn't process information the same way that I presented it. She also needed to go at her own pace. If I had sent her to school she would have had issues there also. The program we use is Heart of Dakota. She does it completely independently. I check her work once in awhile but she always has it done. I even made her an office in a small room upstairs so she wouldn't be distracted by us. This year we did a homeschool co-op and she has done pretty good but I know she still learns best on her own.

  2. I told my daughter I smashed up the back end of our van 3 days after we bought it. She was really upset because we have had a clunker for years until now.


    This same daughter told her mock trial coop classmate that she had to quit after weeks of prep because we were all exhausted and her sister was overwhelmed. He was really freaking out and hung up on her when he found out the truth. We just laughed. He called back relieved.


    Any good ones with you?

  3. I am in charge of desserts this year so I need some recommendations. Here is what I need:


    Cheesecake: I found one that looks pretty good but I am open to more ideas.


    Lowfat: My mom is having issues with her gallbladder so she can't have anything with a lot of fat in it. I have no idea what to make for this one.


    Chocolate: You always need to balance it all with chocolate. :) I don't want brownies or cookies however.


    Any thoughts?

  4. We used it a few years ago and next year my 3rd child will be using it. The next year I expect my 4th child will use it and I am fully anticipating my son when he hits about 5th or 6th grade will use it as well. It is a good program. I may tweek it a bit next year to include IEW and possibly a foreign language. We do CLE math and I always do my own thing for language arts. I will probably have my daughter take an outside art class too.

  5. So I sold my van this evening and now I am vehicle-less. It was a full size conversion van gas hog that was a thorn in my side. So now I have some cash and can get a small loan so I need to make a decision and find something. Any recommendations? Any STAY AWAY recommendations? I really like Chrysler Town and Country and their are a lot of them for sale. That is either because people really like them and there are a lot of people who have bought them or it is because they are problems for a lot of people.


    What should I look for when inspecting a vehicle? This will be my first time purchasing something as a single adult. I am pretty nervous. Should I go for a dealer or by owner? How do I determine accurate vehicle value and how do I present the offer? Would love advice!

  6. Yes, I'll post the entire book in several formats on my website.


    I believe you can see the edits as I work on them, if you want, by clicking on this link:




    I think you may have to create a CK-12 account to be able to login and see it, but I'm not sure.


    I'm still trying to figure CK-12 out, so let me know if the link above doesn't work.


    As for the Biology 101 DVD's, I originally wasn't going to include them because of the price. However, I decided to go ahead and schedule them in.


    Let me know if you have any other questions!



    Thanks Jenn,


    The link worked once I created an account. So are there going to be separate lesson plans somewhere else or are you going to include them in the textbook? Also, where is the Teacher's Edition? I couldn't find it.



  7. If you stick with IEW I would get the SWI- C for your dd. Or you could get the TWSS, watch it and get a theme book- or you could just get a theme book and let dd work through it since she's already done and is familar with the program. (Personally, I think you'd be happier with SWI-C if you aren't clear about the program yourself.


    EIW is written by a Jr. High Teacher. I just reviewed 11th grade here. If you click the graphic at the bottom of the post, it will take you to other reviews of different EIW grades.


    Having used both programs, I would go with IEW. I think EIW tries to incorporate many of the same concpets, but with the disadvantadge of not telling their kids why or how they should incorporate things. IEW is simple, clear and concise with no ambiguous language such as "I like that sentence." Who cares? Tell me what makes a good sentence, noy if you like it or not. THAT is the difference between IEW (which is clear) and EIW (and which appears to be defined by preference).



    Your review was extremely helpful. Thank you! Another thought I had is that something as new as EIW simply can't compete with the experience and refining that IEW has gone through over the years. Do you agree? Could you help me think through IEW a bit more. Here is what I have...


    I purchased SWI-B at a used curriculum fair last week intending to use it with my upcoming 7th grade daughter. Could this be an option for my older daughter? Or would watching this with my younger daughter help me to lead her through a theme book? I wish I could afford to get TWSS, I think that would be the easiest thing for me overall but it isn't an option right now.

  8. I have pretty much decided that ACE Biology is what I am going to go with for my daughters sophomore year. She is not a science lover, and I think she may struggle with any program out there but I really like how ACE has the DVD's and the Lab DVD's as optional additions.


    My question is should I invest in the lesson DVD's which as I see it would really help her with comprehension and pronunciation of the difficult science words. I also understand that the lesson DVD's also help the student to pace their lessons and let the student know when to watch the lab DVD's. I like how they line right up with the ACE Paces. However, the cost is getting me big time. Nearly $300.


    My other option is to go with just the lab DVD's and add in Biology 101 which is about $50. Of course Biology 101 is not associate with ACE so I am not sure how I would line this up to make it useful to her.


    Any thoughts?

  9. My daughter did IEW Bible Theme book in a co-op this year and learned a lot. In the past she really struggled with writing but she had a breakthrough year. Next year she is not participating in this co-op and her homeschool program, Heart of Dakota is scheduling in Essentials in Writing: Grade 10 for the area of composition. (I linked to HOD's discussion on this program choice) I am really torn if I should have her do this program or have her continue with IEW. If we decide to go with IEW, I wouldn't have a clue what I should get for her because I didn't teach it to her. Any advice?

  10. My oldest daughter has done well and is starting college next year but I would like to have more knowledge and more of a plan for my other children. With oldest daughter, I only had her take the Stanford Achievement test in 8th grade and after a lot of prep she took the ACT once in 11th and once in 12th grade. Now I know there are other tests out there that serve different purposes but I am uneducated about them. So what kind of testing do you do starting in 7th grade and what purpose do they serve? Thanks so much!

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