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Michelle My Bell

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Posts posted by Michelle My Bell

  1. SwellMama, I don't need to be reprimanded by you about how to pay my bills. If it wasn't for the tips, there would be no Christmas for my kids. That said, the newspaper company I work for tells us to solicite tips each December. It has always been done here and I was simply trying to figure out a way to do it respectfully. I felt your response to me was rather tactless. It is easy to attack people on the internet because we don't stand face to face with them, but the words hurt people regardless.


    I am thankful for my job as previously stated, but like any service person earns very little (such as waiters), I would hope my service would warrent a once a year tip. I always place their papers in their porch, not at the end of their driveways. I'm always quiet and I work hard to always be on time.


    Thanks for the responses everyone.

  2. So it seems about 50/50 if I should or should not "ask" for a tip. I guess I can't go wrong if I do. I will either get more tips or I won't.


    May I encourage everyone to tip their newspaper carriers this season? Even if it is only $5 one time a year, most give that much of a tip every time they go out to eat. Carriers work hard for very little pay and Christmas tips are looked forward to all year. :)

  3. Begging for tips is the one thing that makes me NOT want to tip service people.  The only line from your list above that I would not find offensive is "Many Blessings from your Newspaper Carrier."


    Sorry you are having a difficult season.


    So would you have a problem with the self addressed envelope as others have mentioned?

  4. Does anyone have any advice on the wording? I truly am grateful for this job. It has helped sustain me through my divorce, homeschooling and now college also. I hate getting up that early but it is less time I have to spend away from my kids. All that, it doesn't pay well… except at Christmas usually. 

  5. I have a paper route that I get up for 365 days of the year, in all kinds of weather at 4:20am. I don't get paid a lot but I look forward to the tips. I actually depend on them at Christmas to get me through the holidays and still pay my bills. I have 180 customers and only about 15 have given me tips this year. I haven't even made 1/3 what I made last year. To say I am disappointed would be an understatement. 


    So, I am thinking of putting out a photo card on Monday with a short note. My thoughts are A.) People have simply forgot or B.) Some don't realize tipping is customary here.


    I would really appreciate help with my short note. Feel free to give me completely different ideas than I am presenting. Here are some ideas:



    "I hope you enjoyed my service this year. Thank you for remembering my family this holiday season."


    "I hope you have found my service exceptional. Thank you for your gifts"


    "Many Blessings from your Newspaper Carrier!"


    "If you have found my service exceptional this year, Please remember my family this holiday season"



    I know some are bad. Please comment on them, change them or give me all new suggestions. I would be super grateful because I only have one chance to get this right.  

  6. The traditions here are: 


    I wrap each kids present in their "own" wrapping paper but only "I" know which paper belongs to which kid. On Christmas Eve, I place a piece of the wrapping paper in the toe of their stocking for them to discover on Christmas Day. They love the mystery of not knowing which gift (big or small) belongs to them and I love that they can't guess what I've gotten them. 


    Stocking stuffers - Chocolate Orange here also. I also include fruit roll ups because they never get then any other time of the year. My oldest said she always thought they were only for rich kids as she was growing up so it was always really special to get them. I also include pop tarts (another thing I never buy), toothbrushes and nail polish for the girls, matchbox car for the boy. Sometimes Chapstick also. 


    Also want to add that Christmas here is really done on Christmas Eve. I like to spend the whole day at home so we started having Christmas a day early a few years back. It gives us a chance to eat a relaxing breakfast and our own yummy dinner, play games and watch movies. Then on Christmas day, we prepare whatever we are taking to our extended family Christmas without the stress of just opened gifts that beg to be played with. 


  7. Wonderful ideas everyone! I really like the memory boxes idea, but since I didn't collect anything, I think I will get some pretty boxes at Michael's Crafts to put their jammies in and whatever else I decide. Then I will tape a note on the top that tells them to use their box to collect their favorite memories all year to share next year. I will also include some sort of bible verse and lovey dovey stuff about them. Maybe some sort of charge to keep up the faith and continue to pursue excellence in their lives. 

  8. I happen to have an 8 year old boy and a 10 year old girl! He is getting lots and lots of legos, the snap circuits deluxe rover, books, pajamas, and juggling balls. She is getting an AG doll and dvd, legos, a spa science kit, books, a robe, and some craft supplies. They are also getting things to share: a marble run, a rock tumbler, some new games, and yet more books.

    You have some great ideas! Can you post some links do I know exactly what you are getting?

  9. My daughter said we shouldn't forget Meet Me in St. Louis. 


    Also, I am in college and one of my classes we have to have a blog. Well, I am a few posts shy to finish it up so I decided to turn my question into a blog post. You can view it here: http://saywhatchasee.blogspot.com


    I added even more movies than were mentioned here, thanks to IMBD. Tomorrow I am going to make an Unlikely Christmas Movie list so feel free to keep adding those here. Thanks so much everyone!!



  10. Last we discovered Christmas Story and loved it.  It'll be a new standard for us.  It's dubbed, but not in a cheesy fashion.  They do alright with it.  The story is good. 


    To others trying to post:  Not sure why this thread isn't allowing for a direct reply, but if you hit Quote it pulls the reply box up.  :)


    That looks really. I will have to get that. Thanks!!!

  11. My list:


    Best Christmas Pageant Ever

    Santa Claus (80s movie with Dudley Moore)

    Christmas With the Kranks

    Polar Express

    The Homecoming (Waltons)

    A Christmas Story

    Scrooge/A Christmas Carol--pick your favorite :-) Mine is George C. Scott

    While You Were Sleeping (yes, it's a Christmas movie)

    The Santa Clause (all three of them)

    Claymation Christmas



    And some unlikely Christmas movies:

    About a Boy

    The Princess Bride

    Die Hard

    The Bourne Identity

    Three Days of the Condor


    Desk Set


    Funny Farm

    Ghost Busters 2


    Great lists! Thanks Ellie. I especially like your "unlikely" list. 

  12. I don't know what it is about this time of year, but I get a hankering to watch Christmas Movies. I love the old favorites, mixed up with a few cheesy feel goods and everything in between. What are some of your favorites? I watched White Christmas already, still need to watch It's a Wonderful Life. I just saw Christmas Shoes and the Christmas Blessing the other day. Another fun one was The Christmas Lodge. 


    After looking over my Netflix activity, here are some more I've seen:


    Dear Santa 

    Lovestruck: The Musical

    Jack Frost


  13. I am getting fat. I haven't ran consistently since I started college in August, I have spent more time eating poorly than well and I am all fat, no muscle.


    So now that I've got that out of the way, I'd like some recommendations for an at home muscle building workout. I was looking at resistance bands but I'm not sure how effective they would be. Also, I would need a video or book to show me what to do. I could do some hand weights if someone wants to recommend them. My plan is to get back into running 3x a week and muscle building 2-3x a week. I am also really interested in Yoga 1x a week. If you could, I would appreciate amazon links to any products  you all recommend. So to summarize… 


    Resistance Bands and video or book recommendation.


    Yoga Video recommendation. 


    Any other strength training recommendation. 


    I do have Netflix and Amazon Instant Video if there is something on there. 



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