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Physical science question

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My dd wants to take biology this next year, 9th. Then wants to do physical science the following year, 10th. Is there anything with that progression? I did general/physical, biology, chemistry, and physics. I know that physical is more of an introductory science course and didn't know if colleges would look down on taking it in 10th or if it would even matter.



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In that 9th grade is part of high school -- and, accordingly, his grades for 9th are included in calculating his high school GPA -- colleges won't care whether he takes physical science in 9th or 10th.


My dd wants to take biology this next year, 9th. Then wants to do physical science the following year, 10th. Is there anything with that progression? I did general/physical, biology, chemistry, and physics. I know that physical is more of an introductory science course and didn't know if colleges would look down on taking it in 10th or if it would even matter.



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I had my son do Biology in 9th followed by Physical Science in 10th. He had no difficulty with either class. I think his being more comfortable with the math made physical science an easy class for him, and he gained a better understanding of the material than he would have if had taken it in 9th.

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