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Anyone deal with Cold Urticaria?

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If you have dealt with this, what are your symptoms? Anything you have done to help alliveate symptoms? Anything you've been able to do to keep a reaction from occuring when in the cold? How were you diagnosed? When did it start too?





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I get the hives on my face on a very cold, windy day....haven't found anything that helps out. I also have Solar Uticaria, and have to wear sunscreen anytime I am out in the sun or I break out in hives. My Family Physician diagnosed the solar uticaria and told me to wear sunscreen.

Sorry, that's not much help.


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But never ever really had a problem with it. My mom noticed it b/c when I ate popcicles, my lips (and sometimes my fingers if i were holding too close) would swell a bit. My allergy Dr. did the 'ol ice-on-my-hand test, and then proceeded to tell us what this was. My mother made me carry an epi pen the rest of my child for fear that I would fall into some abnormally freezing cold pool of water on the way home from school or something (yes, I am/was cynical about it!), and that was the last I've heard of it in my world. It's really a non-issue in my daily life. I suppose it would only be an issue if I were a diver, or a fisherman, or someone w/ a likelihood to fall into freezing water (in which case the threat of internal swelling comes into play). I have learned to deal with popcicles in my own way.... hee hee!


Are you having a big problem with it?


:-) Stacey in MA

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I'm just starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together after having some 'strange' things happen to me this last year. A year ago while having an orange icy my lip swelled so much that I looked like Bozo the Clown. My tongue swelled too and we thought I was having an allergic reaction to the orange flavor. A few days later I went swimming in a spring fed swimming pool and had a huge reaction---itchy, burning skin, swelling, red skin, dizzy, thought I was going to pass out --- the park ranger tried to convince me I had heat exhaustion but it didn't fit. Others who knew me thought I was just dehydrated and affected by suddenly being in hot, dry conditions instead of humid and hot Delaware. I didn't know what was 'wrong with me' or why I had reacted this way but I didn't buy either.


There were some times this past winter when I was holding something cold, or when we went skiing and my wrists got cold and they itched something crazy. Or I went walking around the house without socks on and my ankles burned with pain.


Yesterday my DS and I went to a Kayak Festival held on the Chesapeake Bay. DS was learning to roll a kayak and I ended up standing in the cold bay water for about 5 - 10 minutes. Suddenly my feet started itching, burning sensation too. I got on the shore, sat down, and my feet felt like they were on fire, red as could be, swollen and I felt sick. I stayed out of the water for the rest of the day, too afraid to go in. I love the water and have never feared going in water before. My feet continued to hurt for the rest of the day and into the evening until I took some antihistimines.


I love the water, cannot imagine not having water of any temperature in my life....



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My son has this. He is prone to hives anyway and he is also prone to wearing crocs all winter long. You can guess what happens. Giant itchy horrible hives all up and down his legs and feet!


I think we have learnt our lesson after this winter's several episodes but one can never tell with some children. :glare:


Oddly he has never had it happen in the snow.

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I used to have heat and cold and exercise induced urticaria, also reaction to salt water (sea). Symptoms were hives all over, very itchy, and lumpy. It looked like I'd been bitten all over with ants. Extremely embarrasing, because everyone would notice! Even if I got nervous my feet would go all red and itchy!


I started getting it only when I shifted out of home at 17, and began to eat whatever I wanted - read JUNK! I was brought up eating very healthful food, and it was only after a few months of eating a lot of processed foods that it started.


The reason didn't really click with me right then of course, and I continued my processed food lifestyle for another 15years or so. It's only in the last 3 or 4 years that I've pretty much gone back to unprocessed, lots of veges/fruit, whole grains, homemade bread from home ground grain, raw milk, fresh vege/fruit juice.

Lo and behold, as my body became more healthy, I noticed the urticaria disappearing. I may just get an extremely mild reaction maybe once a year (if that) now, but even then it's only really just a bit of redness and mild itching. It may be when my immunity is slightly lower for one reason or another.


Hope this helps some..

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I've been wondering if there is a connection with food. I was on low-carb for a couple years , read that as lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, avoided all processed foods. Then some awful turn of events, and I ended up taking care of my Dad who was in Stage 4 cancer for 2 years, then his estate... got lazy and moved away from low-carb.


There's some information I've come across on the net that relates urticaria with having problems with gluten. So many questions....


I had issues this morning while out walking my dogs, in 50 degree weather! Can't be....



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Yes, I think from my experience there is definitely a food connection. More than specific foods that would trigger it, I'd suggest that the healthier we can eat, the more natural and unrefined we can eat, the stronger our immunity is going to be in better shape and not react so strongly to allergens.

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My doctor presecibed Zantac to help mine. Though we were never able to identify my trigger, the Zantac taken regularly and Zyrtec for acute symptoms really do the trick for me. Zantac is most commonly used as a stomach acid reducer, but it's a H2 histamine blocker and worked on so well on eliminating my hives I haven't needed to use Zyrtec in almost three years. Both are available OTC in case your doctor wants you to give them a try.

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