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Should we learn French?

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Background: I have spoken a lot of German with my youngest (nearly 7). He is in 1st grade, and we have used German first grade materials. He understands very well, and speaks fairly well. It has been an immersion method, with an occasional year off (to work on speech issues - pronunciation).


He has told me that he'd like to do another language. He wasn't sure about French or Spanish for awhile, but has decided on French (big relief, I know hardly any Spanish, but did at least take several years of French!) I thought perhaps in 3rd or 4th grade we might start, so that his German would be more solid.


Recently he has begun making up his own language. Not all the time, just every so often he'll say something that we can't understand. Once we determine that it's not a speech issue (something we're working on), and that it's a made-up word or phrase, he will then tell us what it means. I told him I'd start him on French soon if he would stop making up a new language. He's very excited, and would like to start this fall (2nd grade).


I am thinking it will be a good idea. He seems to just absorb everything, and maybe another language will keep his mind a little busier. On the other hand, I have two old siblings to teach (who will be in 7th and 10th grades) and I don't want to overextend myself with youngest ds. He does have a few more years ahead of him to tackle this!


What do you all think?

Edited by naturalmom
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I think you should start the French. His German sounds more than solid enough. My kids started German Sat. School in K and they started with a Spanish tutor in 1st. My younger one was backward - the Spanish came first, then Sat. School (although she'd had lots of German exposure in songs and videos by then). It hasn't been a problem at all. My older two are now almost 11, and my younger is 8. Their German is stronger, as the school does a great job, and they've had more reinforcement. But this year I fired the tutor and took over their Spanish myself and they've made great progress with that - they were actually capable of much more than she was expecting of them.


If he's enthusiastic, all the better. Kids learn language more easily when they're young, anyway - you're probably making it easier on yourself if you start now vs. later. With the Spanish this year, I just teach 1/2 - 1 hr per week and assign homework that gets done in 1-2 additional sessions. Then they watch lots of Spanish videos - watching the same show repeatedly is actually better than constantly watching new ones - they start to pick out words and connect meanings.

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You can start him out doing what my 5 yo does - switching the language on her favorite videos to French or Spanish. LOL It's a great way to be immersed in a language, because the child typically already knows what is happening and has a idea of what each character is saying. Some kids actually have the entire script memorized, so when they listen to it in another language they're basically just learning vocabulary and syntax.

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Any thoughts on elementary programs out there? I saw a review of Mission Monde, and it sounds good but I will need to see a sample of it. I could order French materials from Germany, but I already have enough German teacher's guides to wade through. I can read them but I have to read s-l-o-w-l-y. I don't think I have time for that!


I agree about the immersion approach, too, but I'd also like some structure to it. I may switch to immersion once he gets a feel for it, and save serious grammar for later (much later).


So - I'd love to hear favorite French programs - keeping in mind that I'm having to be careful about spending, and I don't know for sure if I can even afford Mission Monde...

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You should xpost over on the bilingual board - there's probably more people who can answer your question. French is one of the languages I don't speak, unfortunately, so I'm not as familiar with what's out there. With your language background and your ds' interest/aptitude, though, I think you could do a lot better than the standard US elementary intro program.

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