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Chelation for Autism?

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Does anyone here have any personal experience with chelation for autism? I took my PDD-NOS child to a DAN doctor this week and he thinks we should try it. I've read some on-line about chelation, and now I'm torn about whether we should try it or not.

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We did it when the boys were younger using Authia cream on their feet and epsom salts. It didn't do anything at all for my boys, but it also did no harm. It was worth a shot. I would be much more reluctant to try the IV chelation treatment. That can have adverse side effects. But with the Authia all you'll be out is some money and some really stinky socks. Personally, I think it's worth trying, but don't get your hopes up too much. Oh, and although I mentioned money, this was not a particularly expensive treatment (not more than $100 or $200 for the creams for 2 boys, IIRC). You may have to do yeast control or try special diets before you start the chelation. That was the DAN protocol when we did it 4 years ago.

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Does anyone here have any personal experience with chelation for autism? I took my PDD-NOS child to a DAN doctor this week and he thinks we should try it. I've read some on-line about chelation, and now I'm torn about whether we should try it or not.


We used Epsom salt baths with out ds (10) last fall when he was on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet(SCD). What we found was that he had several negative behaviors due to detoxing from the diet, and when we gave him Epsom salt baths his attitude and mood was much improved. We are now about to start another diet soon, but he has been following the SCD w/espom salt baths and it has been helping to keep his behaviors under control.

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We have chelated all three children with good results. This was essential to recovery for them; they couldn't progress until the metals were moved out of their bodies. Once we got the metals moving, progress came hard and fast; even therapists were astonished at the leaps and bounds made. :)


We used low dose oral DMSA and ALA. My little one no longer tolerates them due to extensively messed up gut right now so we use mB12 shots for her and will be introducing a few things that we hope will heal her gut up enough to start chelation again.


Getting metals out really is essential. As long as the metal is in the body, proper healing cannot take place. But you need to have a good diet and yeast protocol in place before attempting it. Research like mad; it's the only way to know if it's right for you.



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There's a lot I don't know about what you guys are posting about but my ds responds very well to epsom salt baths, definitely calming. Also if I can get some of the BrainChild vitamins and minerals into him, those are helpful too - but it's tough because he can always taste them. The minerals are all chelated if I remember correctly.

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Chelation can be tricky and you want to make sure that your child's nutrition is addressed first. I would think that your DAN dr. would not start the chelation prematurely. There are some gentler ones, 'Detoxamin', mentioned by my son's DAN dr. that I had coincidentally found in my research beforehand, and 'Metal Free' which was recommended by our current dr. He says we need to work on the nutritional stuff before we begin the 'Metal Free'.


If you've not read the book, Children with Starving Brains, by Jacqueline McCandless, it would be worth seeing if you're library has it. If you buy it from her, you will be invited to join her Yahoo group.


Good luck!

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