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For those who choose their own selections for WWE/FLL...


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Do you choose the copywork and narration passages on a weekly basis or do you plan it out in advance? (and how far in advance, if you do)


I am wondering if my choices would change based on ds's progress through the year, or if I should indulge my compulsion to plan and play with Startwrite???:tongue_smilie:

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I am using year 3 in WWE with my son and when we started the workbook wasn't out yet. It may not be still. I plan out passages in advance, because I don't have time to do it on a weekly basis. I have a planning time during our breaks from school (we school year-round with three week breaks quarterly). I am pulling my passages from a book called Everyday Graces: A Child's Book of Good Manners.



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I planned out the whole year - 36 weeks of lessons. The copywork sentences gradually get more difficult and the narration passages slowly get longer. I followed the guidelines in the text fairly closely for each week. (I imagine that the notebook I created looks very similar to the workbook.)

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Well, I'm kind of haphazard in my planning - sometimes it gets all planned out at the beginning of the week, and sometimes it doesn't, so I decide what I'm going to do that day (not the best method, though:tongue_smilie:). I can't see myself planning a whole year or even several weeks in advance, but that's just me.:) We're actually getting near the end of our history/liturature program (Sonlight Core 1) but we've still got about 6 weeks of WWE 1 left after that, so I've ordered the workbook to help us finish out the year and make sure we're on track. I really like the history notebook we have from this year using WWE, but I'm not sure I have the confidence to continue it next year without the workbook... Anyway, sorry if this is confusing - probably too much info about me:tongue_smilie:. If you have the confidence to plan and help your child with narrations, I'm sure it will go fine.:)

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I think I'm going to plan the whole year. I spent a good deal of time pouring over WWE this weekend, and I think it'll be pretty easy to do. ds6 already narrates pretty well so I might just wing-it for narrations, keeping the WWE guidelines in mind, and start writing them down for him a couple times per week.


I think finding copywork will be fun. :D

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