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Need clarity from the conference

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I was told by a friend who attended one of the WTM conferences recently that SWB said she is no longer a fan and does not reccomend IEW and Teaching the Classics? I cannot wrap my head around that? Is that true? The only reason I could see is if she is writing her own writing program?:glare:

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I was told by a friend who attended one of the WTM conferences recently that SWB said she is no longer a fan and does not reccomend IEW and Teaching the Classics? I cannot wrap my head around that? Is that true? The only reason I could see is if she is writing her own writing program?:glare:


I heard SWB in Cincinnati a month ago and she was not that adamant about IEW. She only said that some of the stylistic techniques lead to poor writing. She advised that if you are using IEW, you should not use the style part of the program. She was consistent with this in both the middle school and high school workshops. I heard her speak 7 years ago in Louisville and she said the same thing then. I don't think she has changed her position on IEW. She has never liked the stylistic techniques.


I have not heard her mention Teaching the Classics at all, but I did not attend the Literary Analysis talk.


In the high school writing workshop, she did mention the IEW Rhetoric book as a valid resource for teaching rhetoric. Again, she advised ignoring the stylisitic techniques. She is not saying, "Don't use IEW." She is warning that some of the stylistic techniques do not lead to strong writing.




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Thanks Leanna, it makes more sense to me that way. I really enjoy using IEW and have seen it work with so many other families. I was stumped when a friend relayed this message. I cannot see how you could hurt the student by using the Socratic method either. When I was in law school they taught us the same ideas. It is a way of breaking down the info. to make it clear. Whew! I will continue to look forward to my new IEW order that should be here any day :)

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