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Ack! It's becomin very evident that my dd is a mini me.

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I feared this would happen. We react to things the exact same way and we've had a few clashes and boy do I feel foolish at not knowing how to respond to some of things she says and does. I see myself as a child and it's not pretty at times. I am learning to take a deep breath and understand that somethings are just her being unable to put feelings into proper words so I get the shut up, or your stupid and yes the dreaded I hate you. I do go to her explain that I understand she's frustrated because mommy is busy and cannot play at the moment or daddy is working or going out of town and it makes you sad that he's not home to play with you etc. We are working through it. In the mean time :001_huh::w00t: and:blink:. Anyone btdt.

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I've always known that my dd was a mini me, too. It's so aggravating not to know how to react when I know exactly how she's feeling. I just want to fight back sometimes and stamp out (our) character flaws. I need to just remember to take a deep breath and react calmly and lovingly (and try not to see her as a mini me, but as a unique individual). I have to focus on how we are different and ironically, that seems to help.

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