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coffee gurus.... grinding question

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We have a Cuisinart coffee maker with the filter basket that doesn't need a filter.


Every once in a while, all the coffee overflows and jams everything up inside. Is that a grind problem? We usually buy ground Folgers coffee, but it does it with any store bought ground coffee.


We're thinking of switching to that new Cuisinart grind and brew and I suppose my dh is looking for a reason to do that, but I'm thinking it's because it's not freshly ground coffee. Is freshly ground coffee more porous? It really stinks when all the grounds look like they only floated!

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I suspect it is probably that the pot isn't seated properly, or there are grounds blocking up the little widget that pushes up and allows the brew to exit. (My husband achieved this when forgetting to put the lid on the pot once... we will not speak of the cleaning necessary to unplug the water lines after grounds were washed into the reservoir. Ghastly.)


Generally speaking, you're supposed to use a coarser grind (like pre-ground Folgers) for flat-bottom filters, and a fine grind for cone filters. But the difference is because the cones channel the water through faster so it's in contact with the coffee for a shorter amount of time, not because it will back up.

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