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IEW question


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I am really considering the IEW writing program.

Could I use this in conjunction with history/science?

I would like their writing to be meaningful, and at the same time solidifying history/science.

I am tired of writing programs which begin with..."describe your bedroom". My Dc's eyes just roll...

How about "describe this battle scene", which would be all around much more exciting and meaningful!

Is this something I could do with IEW????

Thanks so much in advance:)

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Thanks! I will look on their site (for the youngers).

Anything more challenging for junior high level?:)


So much has been written about IEW. I get conflicted! Some days "yes" to buy, some days "no".


I just don't want another "silly writing program". KWIM??

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IEW is serious meat and potatoes kind of writing. No "describe your bedroom". They give you a paragraph. You outline the paragraph using only a few words. Rewrite the paragraph and learn how to plug in descriptive adjectives, exciting verbs, etc. to make the paragraph more interesting. (that's a very watered down description) If you use the SWI dvd's the paragraphs will be a mismatch of topics. But you could choose the themed units like Life Science or Ancient History, or any topic you'd like them to write about.

I really like IEW. I have three boys, and they are not big on writing. This teaches them the how of writing without having to come up with the what. It's a really good, no frills and fluff, program.




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If you really want to incorporate their writing into the subjects they are already learning, then I would forego the SWI's and purchase the Teaching Writing Structure and Style (TWSS) teacher training dvd's. Over the summer, you watch the dvd's and learn the different unit models then when school starts up again in the fall, begin slowly teaching your children the techniques of writing you have already learned. You would pull samples from their history or science textbooks, encyclopedias or even maybe their literature for creative writing prompts! Whatever they are studying, they can also be writing about! The theme based books are good but if you really want it to flow easily with what they are reading and learning, this is the way to go.


No matter which path you choose, I would highly recommend the TWSS for you! It makes helping them sooooooooo much easier if you understand the program.:)

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IEW definately can be applied to any science and history you are studying, and it is great for a wide age group.


I would strongly suggest getting both TWSS (the teacher videos) and either a SWI (student dvds) or a theme based book to start with. I would start with a dvd or theme based program to get the structure of the program. Some ot these assignments can be individualized to your studies. After you are comfortable with the basics of IEW, then it is easy to customize it to your own curriculum of history and science and have all your writing be about things you are already studying.

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I have my 5th grader doing the Ancient History Theme Based Writing right now. I didn't buy the TWSS because we ran out of homeschooling money. We have been able to get through fine although I'm sure it would be easier with TWSS. Maybe this year if I can swing it. ;) He finds the assignments interesting, and way better than "describe your room" types. In the catalog, Ancient History is listed for 3-5th graders and 6-8th graders. It is too advanced for my 3rd grader and it stretches my 5th grader a lot. So I could see it working for children easily through 8th grade. HTH

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Great responses! Thank you so much for the details.

OK, I am going to buy TWSS, and either theme-based or SWI. We will be in book 3 (early modern times by SWB) as we follow TWTM. So, not sure about ancients (gosh, should have just bought this 2 y ago).

Would this be "it" as far as writing programs go? Will this program carry Dc's through HS?

You all seem so HAPPY with this!

Thanks a bunch:001_smile:

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Here's a link to the different history themed books they have.



I think the themed units would easily take you through high school. But they do have other books on how to write essays, etc. that you could mix in there.


I don't know what schedule we're going to follow through high school yet. But I think we'll be sticking with IEW whatever we do.




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IEW does have a medieval history based theme book. Although many people love their theme based history, I want my history writing to be exactly what we are studying rather than someone else's outline of assignments. My kids LOVE the student dvds.


TWSS both teaches you the program as well as teaching you what is important as what ages and how to continue it on your own into much higher grades. Of course if you want ready made lesson plans those are also available. IEW can easily take you into/through high school.

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