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Movie Suggestion for Worldview Discussion?

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I'm looking for recommendations for my homeschool group tomorrow. We want to watch a movie and critique it as we look at assumptions the director has made. We are working through "Demolishing Strongholds," a video curriculum with Ken Ham (Answers in Genesis) and Bill Jack (Worldview Academy.) I'm not a movie person anyway, so nothing is coming to mind. I would like to to be fun (it is a "party" day), but nothing too objectionable as we have guys and girls aged 12-16.

You all are the best! What a find this board has been. Thank you!

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I haven't used that curriculum so I don't know exactly what you're looking for. But we've used Starting Points, and sometimes talk about movies with reference to the ideas in that curriculum: Is there a God? Is there life after death? Why are we here?


Here are some that my kids (ages 13 & 16) suggested for you:


Lion King. Wall-E. Kung Fu Panda. The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe. The Day After Tomorrow.

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The Wizard of Oz is used in Starting Points and would be a good one - definite issues, nothing objectionable as far as having a mixed gender group, and the kids get a kick out of the old cinematography.


The Dr. Who series is an excellent series also. I've contemplated using The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - there are so many obvious assumptions in that one and so much satire.


I think Oz would be the easiest, though.

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I always find Disney movies fascinating to analyze for worldview. Amazing how much they convey. It also always wows my junior high/high school students at how the movies so clearly communicate very strong worldviews, and yet we see them superficially as very basic and simple. Our kids recently did an analysis of Mary Poppins....wow....it floored us!

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I always find Disney movies fascinating to analyze for worldview. Amazing how much they convey. It also always wows my junior high/high school students at how the movies so clearly communicate very strong worldviews, and yet we see them superficially as very basic and simple. Our kids recently did an analysis of Mary Poppins....wow....it floored us!


I should clarify that it was a great study on the conflict of enlightened rationalism (and the dangers thereof) and nostalgic romanticism....a great study for Victorian/early 20th century studies....


You might want to start very simple, and also prioritize by worldviews you want to teach. You keep the "worldview answer" a secret, and see if your students get it right. You could combine the movie with an actual lesson (post movie viewing and analysis) on that one particular worldview.:lurk5:

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