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Is lunch your main meal of the day?

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If it is, how does that change the flow of your day? and your homeschool schedule?


My DH is going to be working away for a while and I am considering changing things whilst he is away is an effort to not be as exhausted at the end of the day and achieve a little more with the kiddos after lunch.


Also, what to you eat at the end of the day? My logic says straight swap, dinner at lunchtime then lunch at dinner time but I am sure some people do supper? But does that mean you eat something different to lunch?



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During the week dinner/supper is our main meal and lunch is smaller,but on the weekends when my hubby is home it's usually the reverse. I usually prepare ahead by cooking alot on Thursday and Friday so I have things that I can just quickly reheat in a pinch. If we have say.. chicken, rice and beans and plantains for lunch, then most likely dinner will be just a sandwich and a salad or a bowl of soup. Something simple and light. :)

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What I do....is cook enough for snacks later, LOL. We eat around 2pm-3pm each day.....and I just make sure I cook enough to last all day. My kids don't eat much at a time....so there is someone constantly eating in the kitchen, LOL. I have been doing meals this way forever and love it. I don't like eating a big meal late in the day....never have. And...funny you mention the exhaustion factor.....because that was my main reason for cooking early.....LOL.

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Lunch is our main meal. We're not big on breakfast, so we're famished by the time lunch rolls around. We're also busy with extracurriculars most nights, so all around it just fits our schedule better to eat big mid-day.


Dinner is usually a variation of lunch. For instance, if we eat stir-fry at lunch (on rice) we will re-heat the same main dish (veggies) but serve over noodles, with a different sauce. Or we will eat a smaller portion of our lunch and serve it with soup or salad (which we don't eat at lunch).


I love having lunch as our big meal - not only does it feel more relaxed but it's nice to have the entire afternoon to take care of dishes and cleanup (rather than trying to add that to our evening/nighttime routine).

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Thankyou for responding! I have felt so liberated the last 2 days where we have switched lunch to our main meal. I have the energy to jump into the dishes right after lunch which I never do at the end of the day. The kids have enjoyed the change too with the littlest having a longer than normal post lunch nap.


I have also felt more even tempered towards dinnertime, I don't have that same I'm hungry, just get out of the way so I can cook feeling. Everyone is happy in the morning, quite happy to leave me be to cook.


I am liking this. Just need to work out how we will school around it. A little after breakfast and more after lunch i think. Normally we are all done before lunch, not that we do a lot!

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