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A funny during spelling today . . .

Mama Anna

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We do Spelling Power. The next word on the list is "hair," so I give dd 5.5 the sentence, "You have brown hair." as an example. She looks up at me and says, "You have brown hair, too! But it will be white when I grow up because you'll be old." :lol::lol: (Thanks a lot!!)


Who says spelling is boring?!?


Just passing it on . . .


Mama Anna

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One time my dd (at the time was 7) was asked: What are the sounds in the word cat? The answer that the instructor was looking for was the sound c-a-t. What dd said was: meow. At that time the instructor bent over laughing.


This is why I just love kids so much.

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One time my dd (at the time was 7) was asked: What are the sounds in the word cat? The answer that the instructor was looking for was the sound c-a-t. What dd said was: meow. At that time the instructor bent over laughing.


This is why I just love kids so much.



Awwww!!! that is precious! Bless her heart! :)hehe

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