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Online planners/trackers for homeschoolers

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Yesterday in two separate threads, I read about two online homeschool planners/trackers. (Links below.) I want to use an online one because I have a Mac, so purchasing software isn't an option.


Just wondering if anyone might be able to compare/contrast these two, or just review one if you've used it. Or, any others to recommend?








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I created an account, set up my school, and played around with schedules on both of those sites. They're both great, but I think MyHomeschoolPlan is going to work better for me. It's very easy to use. SkedTrak has a lot more features, it would probably be great for students in high school. But I don't need that level of detail right now, so it's not worth the extra effort.


But I still would love to hear from people who have used these in case there is something I'm missing.

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I've been using MyHomeschoolPlan for a few months now, and it's the only online planner that I've ever been able to start using almost immediately. It's simple, clean, and uncluttered.


The admin folks at MyHomeschoolPlan take suggestions on improving the software, and implement accepted suggestions in fairly short order. However, there is one "glitch" that hasn't been fixed yet: If you use Safari or Opera, the edit buttons may be covered over by the "tips" graphic on the right side of the page. I just increase text size and the problem goes away.


If you have any specific questions, ask away!

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I've been using MyHomeschoolPlan for a few months now, and it's the only online planner that I've ever been able to start using almost immediately. It's simple, clean, and uncluttered.


It was very quick for me to set up and get started. And I like the clean look of it too.


If you have any specific questions, ask away!


Thanks! If I think of anything else I will let you know. But your info was helpful!

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Hi Greta,


Kevin here from myhomeschoolplan.com If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me. You can use the suggestions link to give us suggestions and ideas.


You can email support@myhomeschoolplan.com and we're also on twitter @homeschoolplan.


We launched in january and have been getting great feedback from everyone about how to make it better. Fundamentally, we opt for simplicity over too many features but we do have more stuff we want to add. My wife and I homeschool our 3 kids so we "eat our own dogfood" as the saying goes in software.


ravengal - thanks for the kind words, and I'll look into the bug you mentioned, I have safari and haven't had the issue for a while. We are also going to give people the options to 'turn off' the tips on the schedule screen to get the whole screen.


Thanks to everyone who has tried out the product.

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Hi Greta,


Kevin here from myhomeschoolplan.com If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me. You can use the suggestions link to give us suggestions and ideas.


You can email support@myhomeschoolplan.com and we're also on twitter @homeschoolplan.


We launched in january and have been getting great feedback from everyone about how to make it better. Fundamentally, we opt for simplicity over too many features but we do have more stuff we want to add. My wife and I homeschool our 3 kids so we "eat our own dogfood" as the saying goes in software.


ravengal - thanks for the kind words, and I'll look into the bug you mentioned, I have safari and haven't had the issue for a while. We are also going to give people the options to 'turn off' the tips on the schedule screen to get the whole screen.


Thanks to everyone who has tried out the product.


Kevin -


Your plan has been a lifesaver for me. I'm the one who initially sent you in the tip about the edit boxes. It hasn't been a problem for me (on Safari) since you adjusted it.


I just want you to know that it is a terrific planner. I would still use it even if, sometime in the future, I had to pay you!




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asta, thanks for the kinds words. I'm thrilled it is working for you. I am a huge fan of Kathy Sierra, she is a blogger whose philosophy is that it's not about creating a product that rocks, but about creating a product that allows your users to rock. My point being, we want to do what needs to be done and get out of your way, give you flexibility without complexity, and, ultimately, let you spend more time teaching your kids than putting the schedule together. We don't always get it right, but we try.


We have more stuff planned like reading lists and more state-specific reports that people need. Thanks again for the kind words.


As for paying, at some point we'll add pricing, but we are looking at a-latte-month pricing. (and we're figuring out how to reward our wonderful early adopters, more to come on that.)

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some point we'll add pricing, but we are looking at a-latte-month pricing. (and we're figuring out how to reward our wonderful early adopters, more to come on that.)


:001_smile: That's good to know! Thanks for your posts, Kevin.

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No problem Greta. I hope the service works well for you. As for the pricing, we are going to give people options so they can subscribe month to month, quarter to quarter or annually, with free trials. We don't want anyone to feel locked in and we will make it so that you can get all your data out if you ever choose to leave. And, like I said, we are going to do something for people already on myhomeschoolplan when we launch. Well I'm off to teach some algebra (crosses fingers).

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