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SOTW spine with Bible history added in???


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I thought it was biblioplan, but now I am not so sure. Is there a reading plan/ history curriculum that uses SOTW as a spine (or others) but adds in Bible and church history? Or did I just imagine it?


ETA: We are getting ready to go through the cycle again and I thought I would like to add this in this time.

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from Paula's archives with some suggestions for you.


when ds 9 was in 1st grade, I just read the Vos Story Bible alongside SOTW. I didn't make a great deal of effort to line them up; I just started in Genesis with the creation account, and began reading SOTW sometime after reading about the flood, and before the stories about Abraham. They weren't always in sync, but close enough, and I think reading them alongside one another turned out to be very beneficial for my dc.

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And yes, Biblioplan adds Bible and church history to SOTW. It actually schedules other possible spines too (MOH, UILE, Kingfisher) and resources such as the Victor Journey through the Bible and Famous Men Books. There are also readers in 3 age categories and a family read-aloud too. It's great for those who learn best through reading and want to read a lot of wonderful books.



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We are currently doing SOTW Vol. 1 and reading through the Bible as ELaurie did. Started out with the Vos story Bible and lately have just been reading straight from the Bible. I was all stressed out in the beginning that we weren't going to be able to match our Bible readings up with our history program and I was right -- but the worrying was useless, because the kids are able to make connections just fine with me reminding them of a previous SOTW chapter. For instance, we are reading in I Kings right now about Israel dividing and in SOTW we just read about Cyrus the Great. Well, eventually in the Bible we will get to the stories about the Israelites returning to Israel under Cyrus' rule, so I will just use that time to refresh their memory regarding what we read about Cyrus in SOTW. I hope that makes sense. A timeline would help with this, too, if I would only get around to making one :001_smile:


A pp suggested the Victor's Journey Through the Bible and I just wanted to say that my 11 yr old ds reads the chapters that coincide with our Bible readings and has enjoyed it. Also, the NIV Discovery Bible that my kids use as they read along has been great - it has little boxes with historical info sometimes that reinforce our history.


I think the tendency with the scheduled Bible readings to go along with SOTW would be that you might start feeling "behind" and then tempted to skip so many great portions of the Bible. The best part of our homeschooling without a doubt is the time we have in the morning reading that chapter of the Bible and just discussing it and not feeling like we are on someone else's schedule. If we skip a day one day, not a big deal - just get it the next day.


Biblioplan is a good deal, though, so if you do end up going with it and not following it to a "T", you will get some great book recommendations....

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