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any problem with using ChalkDust Alg. 1 after TT PreAlgebra?

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I'm new here and this is my first post.


We've used TT PreAlgebra with my dc with moderate but not outstanding success. Though there are things I like about TT I can see where my dc consistently misses some of the same types of problems covering the same concepts from lesson to lesson. In my mind this tells me we have need of a program that has more mastery built into each lesson as opposed to the jumping around the bases that is written into the TT program.


My dc also has need of a video teaching program, as I cannot teach Algebra. Enter Chalk Dust. I've viewed sample teaching demos of Dana Mosely and have found him to be simply excellent.


My concern comes back to the battered around topic of TT being 'lite' on coverage and rigor, although I have read the author's philosophy of why they have written TT math courses as they have and tend to agree that if a student continues through the TT course sequence, they will learn what they need to learn. I figure if my dc can enjoy math, well at least favorably tolerate it, as has been our case with TT and have moderate success with it, then they will have surpassed their mother, and I'll sing it's praises to the cows come home.


But, being the case that I'm seeing that dc needs more of a mastery type program, do you (anyone!) foresee any problems with stepping into Chalk Dust Algebra 1 directly from using TT PreAlgebra?




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Just from my own personal experience I would say you would be better off going into CD pre-algebra after TT pre-algebra. TT does not cover the same as CD and I feel it is behind some. I know others will disagree, but this is from the experience we had going from TT to saxon.

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How old is your child? PreAlgebra is a catch-all phrase for the math needed to be ready for algebraic thought. So, any child who has had a strong elementary math background, knows math facts well (isn't still counting out multiplication tables on fingers, or doesn't have to ponder for a while to get the least common denominator between 3 and 4), and is pretty adept with fractions, decimals and percents...well, that kid is ready for Algebra. Maybe not *perfectly* ready, maybe will still have some gaps to fill, but could probably take a nice running start at it. :)


So, worst case scenario would be to do Algebra 1 twice...if you think your child is strong enough in math to go into Algebra, give it a try. If you get to a place where he is "stuck" then hire a tutor or start the program over again to fill in the gaps.





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Lori's right, it really all depends on your child.


But I can tell you that my friend's son used TT for prealgebra in 7th grade, after using Saxon in his earlier years. For 8th grade, he wanted to go to a local charter school. They enrolled him in Algebra 1 there, but after just a short time they realized he wasn't ready and he had to re-take prealgebra. I know this is one student's experience, but just thought I'd throw it out there! :confused:

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Hmmm....I am seeing a pattern here with the responses.


We do plan on working through the summer to bolster PreAlgebra skills even after completing TT PreAlgebra course.


Since dc will be in 10th gr. next year, I really don't want to repeat PreAlgebra again, but I am open to the idea of taking Algebra 1 at a slower pace if need be, and yes, we do have access to hiring a math tutor as needed also.


I am holding on to the hope that between Mr. Mosely, a textbook that gives plenty of practice on problems, and our math tutor friend, that dc will walk through the fires of Algebra with no lasting scars.


That certainly wasn't my experience with Algebra in school. Not only did I just not get it, but I had a teacher who would whack your legs or your desk with a wooden stick if you didn't get the right answer! I was totally intimidated and defeated just crossing over the threshold of that classroom each day.


I am so thankful that homeschooling gives us better hope and support than that! Who knows, dc just may do alright with Algebra!


And, the personal good news for me after my dismal Algebra experience is that I did get Geometry. Good enough that my teacher told me I should've been placed in the advanced class! Go figure. ha.



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Do you plan on using the Saxon just long enough to get up to speed and then jumping into the CD Alg. 1 again or have you given up on the CD Alg. altogether?


I'm glad the Saxon 87 is helping, and it's so nice to know that Mr. Mosely was willing to make a helpful suggestion to you that didn't even involve a CD product.


Your experience more or less confirms my concern with my dc going from TT to CD. Since I've thought about this ahead of time, I'm hoping that we can concentrate on doing extra work with PreAlgebra this summer (I have the BJU PreAlgebra course) and that will help dc to be ready for CD Algebra 1.


I'm thinking about having dc take the CD placement test to see exactly what topics we need to concentrate on. Perhaps that would help us to focus our attention exactly where needed.


Thanks for sharing your experience so I can be better prepared to deal with this bump in the road before we dive into CD Algebra 1 with no warning.



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Given his age, it's also more likely that he'd be able to handle it than an 8th grader. I like your proposed course of action. I'd suggest, though, that a good way to find weaknesses would be to administer pre-algebra chapter tests and have him work on the concepts he misses off those.

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We are using Saxon to catch up. We are flying through the areas he feels comfortable in and then focusing more on the trouble spots. Since I have CD here and we tried it earlier I know where his problems are. I am not sure but I think CD has a placement test. I know Saxon does. We are looking forward to CD again in the future.



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No advice just my experience. We just switched to MUS. After taking their placement tests I was unhappy to see we needed Pre-Algebra. My son had no problems with TT Pre-Algebra (but did w/ Algebra) and got good scores. After doing MUS Pre-Algebra for a couple weeks I can see we did need to start there, we breezed through the first few lessons was all.

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  • 3 weeks later...


My DD is in the middle of TT 7, and doing a great job. She usually scores in the range of 90-100 %, on the lessons and tests. Unquestionably, we will be leaving TT and follow the CD math path. My only question is, should she go to Basic Math before Pre-Alg. or directly into Pre Alg. ? I'd appreciate anyone's opinion, whom may have experienced converting from TT to CD.

Thank You!

Consuelo :)

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my dd used TT algebra 1 and after completing the book is now going through the Saxon algebra 1 tests to determine if she missed out on anything. While she "enjoyed" TT, she feels it was not difficult enough, if that makes sense. She has tested through Saxon to lesson 20-something. She has been able to apply what she learned in TT to more difficult problems in Saxon for the most part. She prefers the teaching in Saxon over TT. She now takes time out to cover the lessons for problems missed on the tests. She works a bit each day. She is also working through TT geometry...this book seems to be fine...a little proof-heavy, but thorough.


Others may disagree, but I think a good pre-algebra review might be in order. I know my dd has come across quite a few things in Saxon that were not even touched on TT. We knew they had a different scope and sequence when we began, so I am not bashing the product. But to get a student up to speed, additional material may need to be covered. You could have your student test through another publisher's text and work on areas that need remediation.


hth and good luck (btdt),


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Another option might be to continue w/ TT Algebra 1 and then go directly to Chalkdust Algebra II. It seems like TT pre-algebra and Algebra II are the main courses in the sequence that are considered behind by many here. TT Algebra I doesn't cover a few topics (like the use of the Quadratic Formula) that other programs cover, but it does cover the basics of Algebra I quite thoroughly.


After years of Saxon, my daughter went from a year of TT Algebra 1 directly into Chalkdust Algebra II this year (8th Grade). Even though she is young, she had absolutely no problem transitioning into Chalkdust....and, although I would consider her "above average" in math, she is certainly not a mathematical genius by any stretch.

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