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Another name that rash thread

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After several months of sinus congestion, at least part of which was an actual sinus infection, I developed a red rash under and around my nostrils. It was red, bumpy, sometimes flaked a little, a little irritated/painful, but not itchy at all. I was aware of it being there by a stretching sensation...like severely dry skin can sometimes feel. It was only located in a small area directly under my nostril openings and around the outer lobes of the nostril opening. Lotion, triple antibiotic ointment, and OTC hydrocortizone cream did nothing for it. It very slowly grew in area and became obviously visible.


I mentioned it to my doctor. He thought it was from constantly blowing my nose and said it wouldn't go away until I stopped blowing/wiping my nose. Well, I'm down to only needing to blow my nose a couple times a day and it isn't going away. He also prescribed mometasone furoate cream for it. It is a cortiosteriod cream which isn't suppose to be used when pregnant (I am) or nursing (I was) unless essental and never more than 5-7 days at a time. Well, it does get rid of it, but it returns within a couple of days of stopping the cream...and it is more irritating when it comes back.


Any ideas?

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I think we've had or are having this at my house.


My eldest daughter had a prescription for bactroban, to be used twice daily, following face washing, for two weeks. Frequent washing of pillowcase and etc. I'm having something very like this (could it be in the air? We aren't very far away, right?) and was thinking rosacea, as I had that when pregnant with two of my kidlets and it seems similar. But this is going away with the bactroban for me, so... ??? The pediatrician said that this is often made temporarily better by steroid creams (what I was using with dd), but will actually worsen with those over the long term. I don't remember what it was called.

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