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Does anyone have any info about the Oak Meadow Yahoo Group?

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I applied to join the OM_HS (Oak Meadow) Yahoo Group weeks ago, and my membership is still awaiting approval from the list owner.


I have heard that the owner is very busy and that it can take a while for new members to be approved, but I'm wondering if anyone here is a member, and if so, how long did it take before you heard anything?


I don't want to be a nuisance about it, but we've just started using Oak Meadow (in conjunction with the BJU DVD program we've been using for a few years,) and I really believe the OM Yahoo group could be very helpful to me.


I'm starting to worry that my application is lost somewhere in YahooLand, but there doesn't seem to be a way to contact the OM group owner to check on my status.


Thanks for any help or advice!



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Thanks, Audrey -- I hope I hear something soon!


I wonder if the owner is accepting new members right now. If she's very busy, maybe she isn't even bothering to look at the new applications.


I keep seeing that there are new messages posted to the group every day, and wishing I could read them.


Thanks again!



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I hope we hear something soon. I have never had it take this long to get into a Yahoo group, and I really want to be a part of the OM group. It doesn't seem like the most popular curriculum (possibly because it's secular -- or because, at first glance, it can seem a little "new-agey?") and I could really use the support from an active group.


I wish there was a way to contact the list owner to ask what's going on. I'd be glad to help her out in any way that I could.



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My ds will be doing OM Fifth Grade, too!


We're finishing up our BJU DVDs (well, "finishing up" may be a bit premature... ;)) and I can't wait for a change.


Part of me is considering buying the BJU DVDs to use for a few subjects, just for some variety... and I already bought Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Redesigned, but it's Year 1, and I'd like to stick with American History, so I guess TOG will sit on the shelf this year... and I have tons of Sonlight that I kept buying even after it was clear it wasn't working for us (but the American History-related books could go along with OM Fifth,) and then there's WinterPromise American Story 1 (but I keep telling myself we could use some of those books with OM, too...)


I am the Queen of Rationalization.


I have to admit that using BJU DVDs was a no-brainer, and far less stressful decision-wise, because I could place the order at a motel meeting and try never to look at anything else. This forum, and any kind of book sale or curriculum fair, are my downfalls. I'm always finding the "next best thing," and once I buy stuff, I never seem to be able to part with it.


Don't even ask me how many writing programs and history books I bought at our local used curriculum sale last month. (They were cheap and I couldn't resist!)


Anyway, I'm more excited about Oak Meadow than anything else I've found, and ds seems to really like it, too. I have the third grade package (bought cheap on eBay) and ds just loves the Folk Tales book, even though there are no pictures. He actually brings me the book and asks me to read him a story... and this is the kid who hated read-alouds and would grab the book and say, "Just let me read it myself -- it's faster!"


I particularly like the general philosophy of Oak Meadow, which seemed a little weird and new-agey to me a few years ago. After homeschooling for several years now, I've reconsidered a lot of my old, traditional views about education and I have to admit that I wish I'd used OM from the start. (At the time, it seemed "too easy" for my gifted ds, which in retrospect wouldn't have been the end of the world, and we probably would have had a lot more fun!)


What have you been using?



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DS (10) was in public for K-2, then we went the virtual school route. After a yr & a half, I'm done and just don't want to play anymore LOL. We have been using the time4learning site since our virtual school departure with some additional work in language arts and math. When I first considered homeschooling (K/1st), I remember looking at the OM catalog and samples, but deeming it too easy as well. Something has kept me coming back to it and I have decided to go with it for DD (6 next month) and DS. I have a 4th grade syllabus I bought here and I do plan on working through it as well because I like the Native American focus and the state focus. I think we may do a "light" walk through it for the upcoming months and then kick off 5th in the fall.


Our boys (and our viewpoints) sound similar. :)

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