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How do you like FLL3?


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Do you use it with another writing program? (I'm thinking of adding WT1) - this would be for 3rd grade.


This would streamline all the memorization, copy work, dictation things that I've been trying to gather for us to work on, right? I quickly looked thru an online copy somewhere...can't find it right now....


then for the 3rd gr our basics would be:

math (Horizons)

grammar, copy work, dictation, memorization in (FLL3)


and I would just need....



How does that sound?

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Really, I can not say enough good things about it. My son loves it, looks forward to it. It is wonderful. I don't know what we will do next year. He looks forward to it and loves the poetry selections (some more than others!)


It covers grammar, dictation, memorization... and probably more stuff that I am not thinking of. We use it with Spelling Workout.

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We have used FLL since 1st grade and I cannot sing its praises enough. (we started with OPGTR). The lessons are short but to the point. We find there is enough memorization and dictation work that we do not do additional.


We use it in addition to Writing Strands 3 and then ds9 has additional copy work with history. He narrates his sotw section, I write to white board and then he copies to paper. This is how all of his narrations go. (science books, biographies etc).


I hear FLL 4 is supposed to come out this summer. I hope this is true!!:)

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