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I need help figuring out how to teach a class online. anyone?

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I'm a former school teacher, current homeschool mom, and a nationally certified asl interpreter. I am NOT (though I do fantasize about it) a computer nerd/guru/jedi/et c.


I love, Love, LOVE interpreting and would love for my daughter to be able to be interpreter ready by the time she graduates. For a long time she hated sign language b/c it meant mommy leaving home for a while. When I started homeschooling in kindergarten, she already had a grudge against it and didn't want to learn. Fast forward to now and she is **highly motivated** to learn. I had a fairly recent medical treatment and couldn't speak for a few days and she loved communicating in sign. So, she wants a class. She enjoys the few classes she's had and wants one for asl.


I would like to teach it twice/week: once in class in person and once online. Maybe monday we'd meet online and discuss the month's theme, that week's vocab/grammar element/et c. we'd have live online practice and i'd assign homework. I'd like to be able to record the teaching sessions so they can be viewed later by the students and also record homework lessons to be done on their own time. Wednesday (for example) we'd meet in person for class. We'd work on our weekly lessons and do practice sessions. We'd do contextual practice and have trips as they fit into our schedule.


But I dont' know where to go for a site to host this and I wouldn't know how to do it if I did. It has to be um, sophisticated? enough to host live video in asl which needs a nice clear picture. I can't have a cruddy pixilated feed. I am willing to buy the necessary equipment on my end to host the thing but I need know-how.


Any help?



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Veritas Press and the college I work for use Wimba for online lectures. I don't know what Veritas Press uses as their content tool or if they just use Wimba alone. The college uses Wimba imbedded in Blackboard, which is spendy of course but appropriate for a state-wide community college system in a relatively affluent state.

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