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Heart of Dakota ~ Please share how you combine... ages, programs etc.


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Hmmm...well, I had this same issue...only my kids are 1 year farther apart in age and are younger than yours (will be 10 and 6). I decided to split them into two programs, doing Beyond with my younger and Bigger with my older this year (so my older can have Am History). Then, next year, my younger will do Bigger and my older will jump to HHTT (because we did CHOW this year). Clear as mud? LOL


Are you going to do the whole program or just the Science and History? That makes a big difference in which one you use, IMO.


In all honesty, I would do Bigger with your 9 year old (and add the extensions if he is advanced) and do HHTT with your almost 12 year old. That is where they fall on the placement chart and with them being almost 3 years apart in age and ability, you may find it easier on all of you to do it this way.


The best suggestion I can give you is to go to the HOD foums (click on message board at the top of the HOD website) and ask those wonderful ladies. Most of the time, Carrie herself (the author and creator) will hop in and share her thoughts too...and since she wrote the curriculum, you can't go wrong with her advice! :)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I think the best place to find the answers to this question is at the HoD forum. Lots and lots of folks combine.


The difference as you might know between Bigger and Preparing is that Bigger is a one year overview of Am History and Preparing is a one year overview of World Hist. So it partly depends on where you want to start.


once you know that, the kids can combine easily on the left side of the pages which is history, bible, poetry, timelines, geography, etc. The right side is the basics of LA, math, reading and science. Most folks combine the science, but then use the appropriate readers and LA and math for each kid.


Check out the HoD forum. Tons of threads on combining.



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Okay Ladies, this helps a lot.


I'm starting to narrow my options. Since we just finished a Creation through Early Church study, I'm not inclined to do the HHTT history program. It would be very repetitive.


However, I'm really liking the idea of using either BHFHG or PHFHG for my 9yo and using the right page of HHTT for my 11yo. Is that possible without too much tweaking and confusion? I really want something planned out as their 2yo brother is very active. I'm also excited about the independent parts that will help wean them from having me instruct every subject.


I'm not entirely opposed to seperate programs, but want some togetherness with Bible and history if possible.


Please keep the ideas coming. Thanks so much! :)

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Angela, your kids can easily be combined in their science, bible, and history. Just pick what history period you want to cover. You can also have your oldest read through the extension pack books. Then stick with your wonderful choices for LA's and math. That is unless you want to switch to singapore and their LA's choices. IF you do that, then one child can do their LA's and the other do what you've always done. IF you use your own LA's and math, you might find some things on the right side that you'd occasionally want to do. I'm often tempted to use their spelling, but my kids are late spellers and AAS is working so well for us that I just ignore their choices.



Alison in KY

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