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Latin as Language Arts

Jenn Robinson

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As I was sitting here this morning with dd8s' Latin, spelling, FLL3, Math, and WWE I was wondering, could I use Latin for spelling and grammar too? For example, could I take her vocab words and make them into her spelling words? And would there be enough grammar in LC1 & LC2 & Henle that I could just not use another grammar curriculum? That way we'd have latin, math and writing to do in a day. Could that work?


I know many use the LCC but that still uses CW and Harvey's. I'm wondering if just WWE and Latin would be enough. Any thoughts?

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I would do something else (copywork at minimum) for spelling, since Latin spelling is (only slightly) different than English. There are all those other phonograms (-ough, -eigh, etc.) that you won't find in Latin but do find in English. I'm interested in Phonetic Zoo (from IEW) for spelling to accompany Latin for Language Arts. It looks simple, and is done independently by the student.

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So far I haven't seen any diagramming in my LC1 and LC2 books, but there is PLENTY of grammar. I think my kids are getting a very good handle on case, tense, parts of speech, etc. through latin. We are going to First Form from Memoria when it comes out with DVD's. This is all I am planning for grammar.

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Caroline- Where does First Form fit into the PL, LC1, LC2, Henle cycle? Are you not worried about them not doing diagramming?


Targhee- I agree with you about spelling. I would have her learn the spelling for the English words as well as the Latin.


Thank you both! Anyone else with experience with this?

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First Form can come after LC 1, which is what we are going to do. I think when all the "Form" books are done we won't need Henle 1 (maybe?). I have heard they are planning three or four years.


I may be in the minority, but I am not big on diagramming. It is not very CM and I tend to take my cues from there. If I do it it will be a season or two, but not years and years of it. We have used Shurley and I think their form of diagramming works just as well. Again, this was a short little spurt of formal grammar and not the whole curriculum.

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