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The day can only go uphill from here, right?

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So far today my 8 yo has peed in his bed and needs to be punished NOT b/c he peed the bed but because he told dh he didn't. He lied about it. We woke up my 14 yo b/c she didn't do the dishes last night even after dh reminded her about them. It didn't look like she did any of them.


Oh and it is even 7 am. So it has to go up from here, right?


On the good side, my middle child turns 12 today! If you go by birth time, she already is! She was born at 1:30 am!

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Please don't take this as judgmental, because I say it with the greatest empathy and gentleness. I've had days like this, and, unfortunately, I've had days like this when I responded to my kids in very critical ways out of my frustration, which ultimately was counter-productive and hurtful. Maybe try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and move forward? Could the 8yo have lied to his dad because he was ashamed? Could he need some understanding instead of punishment? Could the 14yo have been exhausted from a full day and just needed some rest before she was ready to tackle the dishes? Could you just be happy that she's doing them this morning? I know I left a sink and counter full of dishes last night when I went to bed (and this happens more often than I wish it did) because I was simply too spent to take care of them last night. We had had a full day, I was having some allergy problems, we'd had a soccer game in the evening, and it was all I could do to get everyone fed and ready for bed. Could it be that a teenager has days like this, too, and sometimes needs a little grace and patience? As long as she does them this morning, life goes on, right? So, now I'm off to do my own dirty dishes, and loads of laundry, and all that housework I put off. I hope your day does improve, and a very happy birthday to the 12 year old!

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Please don't take this as judgmental, because I say it with the greatest empathy and gentleness. I've had days like this, and, unfortunately, I've had days like this when I responded to my kids in very critical ways out of my frustration, which ultimately was counter-productive and hurtful. Maybe try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and move forward? Could the 8yo have lied to his dad because he was ashamed? Could he need some understanding instead of punishment? Could the 14yo have been exhausted from a full day and just needed some rest before she was ready to tackle the dishes? Could you just be happy that she's doing them this morning? I know I left a sink and counter full of dishes last night when I went to bed (and this happens more often than I wish it did) because I was simply too spent to take care of them last night. We had had a full day, I was having some allergy problems, we'd had a soccer game in the evening, and it was all I could do to get everyone fed and ready for bed. Could it be that a teenager has days like this, too, and sometimes needs a little grace and patience? As long as she does them this morning, life goes on, right? So, now I'm off to do my own dirty dishes, and loads of laundry, and all that housework I put off. I hope your day does improve, and a very happy birthday to the 12 year old!


I can maybe agree about my 8 yo. But not the 14 yo. She was resting when her father reminder her about this dishes - watching tv actually. If it wasn't a habit of forgetting I could easily give her grace.


It's not that I'm mad! It's just frustrating. I do appreciate your words of extending grace. I often need to be reminded of that! I've gone for my run, it's s sunny day and my Yr 3 TOG came in last night and was sitting at the door this morning. It's already looking up!

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I can maybe agree about my 8 yo. But not the 14 yo. She was resting when her father reminder her about this dishes - watching tv actually. If it wasn't a habit of forgetting I could easily give her grace.


It's not that I'm mad! It's just frustrating. I do appreciate your words of extending grace. I often need to be reminded of that! I've gone for my run, it's s sunny day and my Yr 3 TOG came in last night and was sitting at the door this morning. It's already looking up!


I'm glad your day improved! I can understand about a pattern of forgetting being very frustrating. I wish I had followed my own advice more closely yesterday. I wasn't feeling very well and I think it showed. I'm hoping today I will be able to keep things in perspective a little better!

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