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Help quick, MIL wants to buy dds a book!

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MIL wants to buy dds a book for Easter and she wants to know what to get. I am drawing a blank! Any ideas? I don't want to waste the opportunity. ages 4 and 6, but they like chapter read alouds and books with great illustrations. She said it can be from the Christian book store or Barnes and Noble. (I am thinking something about art, a classic chapter book, something Christian..or anything else you recommend!)


PS: I am thinking only to spend $30 total for one nice book or two not as pricey.

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Do they have a nice hardback copy of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe?

(eta--be sure you get an unabridged copy--there are several hardbacks that aren't the full story on Amazon)


They could also get the Jesus Storybook Bible--it's awesome!

Edited by Chris in VA
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Do they have a nice hardback copy of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe?

(eta--be sure you get an unabridged copy--there are several hardbacks that aren't the full story on Amazon)


They could also get the Jesus Storybook Bible--it's awesome!



We LOVE the Jesus Storybook Bible! I give that as gifts all the time now. we have my narnia books from when I was a child.

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Go In and Out the Window, An Illustrated Songbook for Young People, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Well known children's songs illustrated with amazing artwork from the museum. Each song also has a simple commentary discussing either the song or the art work. My mom give this book to my oldest daughter when she was 2 or 3 and she still keeps it on her bookshelf.


Example: Clementine is matched with Winslow Homer's "Camp Fire" and Remington's The Mountain Man. The commentary talks about the Gold Rush and points out historical details in the painting.


I hope your girls enjoy whatever book your MIL chooses.

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