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Teaching Textbook and Chalkdust Math-Compare


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I'm looking at these 2 math programs for my 11 yr. old son. He has used MUS exclusively from the primer to the present epsilon. At this point he is understand the math, but I think he is getting bored. We have loved MUS and it has been a very good fit for him up until now-as we are struggling to finish Epsilon.


So I thought for next year we might change things up a bit. I've narrowed it down to either TT or CD. I would love to hear any comparisons or comments about either of the 2 programs. We would be going into 6th grade math.

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If you do a search it should bring them up.


The overall impression I have gotten from following them is that CD is a more rigorous program. It uses a standard textbook and I have heard only positive things about the instructor on the DVDs. TT has its defenders too, especially from people whose children struggled with math. It does not follow a traditional scope and sequence however and some people claim it is dumbed down and moves too slowly. They say that the TT Algebra I book is mostly pre-Algebra while you need to go at least part way through Algebra II to cover the material in a standard Algebra I course and you need to go through pre-calc to cover the material in a typical Algebra II course.


Having read all that, I still decided to go with TT for now. My 6th grader just started TT Algebra I. We had tried to do NEM, but it was overwhelming and not getting done. I wanted something he could do completely on his own. Since he's young, I don't care that much about how rigorous it is right now. As my dh said, a less rigorous program done consistently will inevitably be more effective than a top notch one that sits on the shelf. I am planning for ds to do TT Algebra I, II, and Geometry in middle school, considering TT Algebra I and II together as a Algebra I course. Starting in ninth grade I will have him do Algebra II with a more rigorous program, for which I am strongly considering Chalkdust. Ds is currently enjoying TT, likes that he can take ownership over it, and feels that it is pretty easy but that he is still learning from it. That works for me.

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That's pretty much what I gleaned from the tons of posts that are available on this board or the high school board if you just do a search.


Here's a few bigger recent discussions:




Edited by Ann in IA
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My ds11 made a smooth transition from Epsilon to Teaching Textbooks this year. We have been very pleased with TT and plan to continue with it next year. I would recommend you have your son take a placement test. My son actually used Teaching Textbooks 7 this year for 6th grade.

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Yea, tons of info has been covered on this. Honestly, it is almost like waving a red flag in front of a bull for some people to bring these two programs up for comparison :D

The basic summary appears to be that CD is much more advanced, that it takes two years of TT algebra to cover what CD does in one year.

Given everything, I'm still using TT with my kids for awhile (our main program is Singapore though) and we supplement with TT. I might switch to CD at a later date. In my very humble opinion, the best program is the one that works best for your kid :001_smile:

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Thanks for the input. I will do a search on the high school board.


Mom2girls--I agree with you about the best program is one that works best for my kid. Thus why we have stayed with MUS from Primer to Epsilon. It's just now not starting to work so great for him.


Mom2boys--Thanks for your input on the transition. Good idea to have him take the placement test.


Ann--Thanks for the links to the discussions. More info to read!


Ida-- Thanks for your summary. After reading the discussions Ann sent me to I think you are right on. Is there anything that you or your son don't like about TT?

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so we may still be in the honeymoon period, but so far I don't have any complaints. I just asked my son if there was anything he doesn't like about TT, and his articulate response was, "Not really." He did say it's his favorite of the programs he's used. That may be just because it's easier than what he's used in the past and it probably feels like a breath of fresh air. I'm perfectly happy with it as a middle school program. I don't think I personally would use it for high school. (That is in no way meant as an insult to people who DO use it in high school!) I think that some of the complaints others have pointed out with TT, such as not consistantly using mathmatically correct terminology and not having enough variety in the types of problems presented, will bother me more at that point. I see it as a gentle introduction to upper level math which is what we need right now.

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I don't know about Chalkdust, but we are loving Teaching textbooks!! It is the best math curriculum around in my opinion. It has made such a big difference in my 5th grader that now I think she would say math is her favorite subject.

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