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DS10 asked if we could build history around "sports history." For Ancients and


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Southern US history, I can certainly think of ways to meet his wishes and make history even more enjoyable for him. But, I"m at a loss -- what about between the Original Olympiads and the American early baseball years through the Jackie Robinson/Satchel Paige era?:confused:


Any ideas to keep sports thread in his history education to keep him on the hook:D

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Well, tennis would fit into the Middle Ages. There were significant historic events related to tennis too...parliament meeting on a tennis court and the Dauphin sending tennis balls to Henry V. Fencing too. You might also consider including games. That way you work in chess. That's just off the top of my head. Then you can do as someone else mentioned and look at China. What time period do the Eastern martial arts (karate, judo, etc.) fit into?


Actually, if you start with the ancient olympics, then look at all of the sports ever included in the modern olympics (they add and subtract events regularly) you might find some material there.


Shooting sports could get you to the history of firearms and warfare.


Oh, and if you are a serious football fan, you might be able to draw parallels between particular football plays and Civil War battles. I don't know that there are any exactly, but when I look at maps showing the conduct of battle and the diagrams of football plays they look similar to me.


Great idea...you may be breaking new ground but it sounds like it could be fun. Good luck!

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Thank you both...great ideas! I didn't even think of sword fighting/fencing, archery or gun sports and certainly didn't consider games....and he loves games! He's happy to do history, but is a sports fanatic and this would just tie it to something he loves :-).


It may take me all summer to pull things together or longer, but these are great ideas! I think I'll start with a wall timeline and start plugging in these ideas and then work from there!


Thank you!!!!

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Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but DK Eyewitness Books has a Sports volume. If you click on the preview, you can see that the soccer section includes info about it's history (including 15th century China & the Middle Ages in Europe). I think each sport in the book includes info like that. It may take you going through the book & making notes about which sports correspond to which time period, but that may be one way to compile some interesting info to present along w/ history. Then, you could have him make a poster, or write a paper, or do a drawing or diagram, etc... as you're going through history.


Also, there is an old book called Sport Through the Ages (another DK book), but there are no descriptions or pics, so it's hard to tell exactly if this book would be what you need. But, the used price certainly seems good enough! LOL.


A few other books that might help (?):

series: Sports and Games through History

series: The Watts History of Sports

Sports in World History

The History of Sport and Physical Education to 1900

Sports in American History


If you wanted to do some art projects, look at Sports and Games.

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I think all cultures from all times have had games and passtimes. Many times they mimicked &/or trained for hunting or warfare. Native Americans had some sort of team sport (can't think what it was called) that amounted to warfare with people getting seriously injured and even killed. This is from way back in my memory but it might have been a precursor to Lacrosse? Maybe? And what is Jai Alai?


I happened to think also of the Scottish highland games which were a way of training for combat without appearing to do so.


And if your son were willing to consider dancing a sport (I realize this might be hard to swallow but you might give it a try) Native Americans, Polynesians, Africans...probably most cultures...used dance to tell stories about their heritage, religion and great battles. Also to prepare for battle. And...stretching even a bit more...there's Irish dancing with the arms held straight down and Scottish highland dancing with the arms held up in defiance to the English. It's late and I can't remember all the details now, but that's something else to go with if it interests you.


I'd love to hear how it all works out if you decide to persue it.



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Take a look at






for ideas




horse racing

war games---competitions of skill in combat activities



bull jumping, bullfighting

boat racing---sail, rowing, etc




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