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Why do I let this child push my buttons?!!

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My youngest son is the easiest and most difficult child I have all rolled into one body. Most of the time he's the easiest but when he digs in his heels he can make me crazy. And every time after I've expended energy arguing with this kid I vow to myself not to fall into this trap again. He is so unbelievably stubborn (and I mean the king of stubborn) . . . he kind of reminds me of me . . . which is probably the problem! :)


AAAHHHHHHH!! There I just had to scream.


And he's only 11 . . .

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I have one of those, too! My 2nd grade daughter is precious and darling and compliant and helpful 95% of the time. But when she digs in her heels... and that little eyebrow gets cocked... and I see that look in her eye... I get terrified (inwardly). Because she knows exactly how to push me to that edge and watch me teeter precariously.

I just pray God channels this for good someday! :001_smile:

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Sometimes I actually have to hide my laughter because it can be funny when I see myself in her.


I do the same thing. Usually I can't even hide the laughter, though. Sometimes they start laughing with me, and other times it makes the situation worse. :o

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