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Oh no, not more SNOW!!!!

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We were just outside in shorts, running through the sprinkler 5 days ago, and now there is SNOW on the ground!!! Can you believe it? I was so ready for spring and even summer, but now it's winter extreme all over again! I guess that's what I get for living in Oklahoma! 80 degrees one day, and 30 the next. You never know what tomorrow will be like. I'm afraid this is going to kill our pecans again this year (we didn't get any off of our tree last year because of a late freeze). I guess I shouldn't complain, it is really pretty to watch. So, does anyone else have snow?

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hmmm, we are in the "don't mind the cold as long as we don't have to shovel snow" category here. That's why western ND works for us here, usu. only 15 inches of snow per winter. but this year is 80" or so? ugh...

Ida - I hope you are all high and dry there!

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I hear ya about the mowing! I hope it dries out in time, because it's supposed to rain next Saturday again, and it's amazing how much the grass - and weeds - have grown in the past four days. We still have a couple of inches left on the ground at our house, but some spots are showing green. I'm just glad the roads are in good shape.

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We live in Central Oklahoma and I'm dissapointed to say that we only got a light dusting. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I really like snow but if we're going to get some then it should at least be enough to build a snowman with, right? :rolleyes:


I too was really enjoying our pretty weather. My Bradford Pear trees are already beautifully bloomed and my Redbuds are also pretty. Those poor trees and going to get confused. :blink:


Oh well, I guess it's true what they say here, "the only thing predictable about Oklahoma weather is that it's unpredictable. :001_smile:

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Ahhh I couldn't imagine. We are in TN and we hardly get any snow. They say it's the LARGE Eastman Chemical Co. releasing chemicals into our clouds but it stays hot now sometimes through Dec. This winter was a little colder but not a lot of snow thank goodness.

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We woke up to snow this morning. But we haven't had any 80 degree days here in NY yet. I think our warmest day has been around 60 degrees. It is a bummer to go from wearing just a sweatshirt to play outside to having to bundle up with gloves and hats and boots. I have a feeling we'll just stay inside today. :)

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I'm actually quite fond of the snow, but am really, really hoping the strong winds from potential "blizzard like conditions" don't overwhelm our dikes, and I have HUGE amounts of appreciation to the wonderful officials, national guardspeople, and others, who will be out there patrolling the river through it all. The timing of this particular storm is not the best!

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We are getting hit again with the second major blast since the first day of spring. We've had snow all winter but somehow we notice it more when it is "supposed" to be spring! Only 5 more storms and then it is officially spring, according to all of the local legends. Today's dumping was the poor man's fertilizer.

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In the last blizzard, we lost 3 calves. I guess you have to count your blessings, though, as one neighbor lost 7 calves, and another lost 10. There's not a darn thing you can do about it. It. Is. Agonizing.


I would covet any prayers you might be willing to send our way..... It's tough enough already to make the ends meet, without calves dying left and right......

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