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PSAT, SAT, SAT Prep courses?? Help....

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My dd is in 10th grade.


1) When does one take the PSAT? If she needs to take this at all it would only be for prepping for the SAT course, not for the merit scholarship. Is it a good use of time and money for that purpose?


2) When should she take a prep SAT course in relation to the SAT course? I was going to have her take an SAT prep course this summer, the PSAT in October, then the SAT maybe in November and or the spring (it is offered in the spring?)


Does that sound about right?




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The PSAT is usually taken in 11th grade, because of the requirements for NMS. It is usually offered around October 15th. Some 10th graders take it for practice. Because the test is geared towards juniors, I have found it is good to take it in one of these grades. It shows where students are in preparing for the SAT/ACT while being more appropriate for the grade level.


The SAT is offered in the spring. Check their website for dates. Remember to register with plenty of time. Your time looks about right. Practice tests are a great way to prepare; maybe look for some of these to review after the course. Personally, I think one SAT is enough for a 10th grader, and would even wait until April when you've gotten your PSAT results. You can always take it multiple times in 11th grade when she's more ready for it.

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