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Favorite bks in Biblioplan 1600-1850?


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I'm doing this with my elementary age kids (ages 7 and 10) so we'll be doing a mix of the books suggested. Unfortunately my library has very few of the books (about 6!) and I have another 6 or so.

I do have SOTW and the CDs to use too.

Wondering what were your/your kids favorites as I decide on which to buy.


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We're in week 26 or 27 now, so we haven't been through the whole year yet. What I can think of off the top of my head:


-The If you... books are great and good for this age range. My 8 yo always reads them on her own before we get to them as read alouds (If Your Were There in Colonial Times, ...Travelled West in a Covered Wagon, etc.)

-Jean Fritz books are also great.

-For read-alouds, Johnny Tremain made my personal best-books-ever list. It may not have been an official Family Read Aloud--may have been a 5+ reader we converted. I think Carry On Mr. Bowditch might also land on this list (and it's a 5+ reader). We're about halfway through now. Born in the Year of Courage is also excellent (Family Read Aloud that we're doing now)

-Not part of Biblioplan, but buying Liberty's Kids complete DVD set has also been an excellent investment for us.


All of this is the American side, but that's what really stands out right now.


Editing to add History of US also. We love it.

Edited by Ali in OR
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My dc (11) says:


Very Favorites are:


Bound for Oregon

Witch of Blackbird Pond

Calico Bush

The Sign of the Beaver


Extremely Good are:


Johnny Tremain (maybe this should be bumped up a catagory)

The Reb and the Redcoats


(Maybe some of these are SL books???)


She enjoyed all of the If You Lived....series.


There are probably others that we can't remember right now. However, I would not read In Search of Honor (scheduled as a read aloud) or let my kids read it (way too gory). Also, I had problems with Bold Journey with Lewis and Clark. It has at least one very graphically described scalping scene, and after cutting that scene (literally) out of the book, I still didn't think it proper for my 5th grader. I found that even with BiblioPlan, I still had to pre-read.


There were many really good books, and have fun!

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