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This is a weird question....

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I am not even sure how to go about asking it really.


A few nights age, my ds woke an hour after going to bed with a 102 fever. However, the way he woke was by yelling for his dad and telling dh that he was "burning up." (red flag #1 - most people are COLD when they are feverish...not hot). Dh went in there with him and was patting his back when I came in and immediately knew something was up. He was HOT, so I got the thermometer. The room was sauna hot. The electric heat had kicked on (from the heat pump) and with the door closed, his long sleeve/long pants pajamas and a comforter on him, no wonder the child was burning up. But he was not sweating. His temp was 102 at that time.


That night, his fever went down with some cooler clothes, a cooler blanket, and a motrin.


Here is what is weird to me. My son never ran another fever. (red flag #2) He never got sick. It was just...gone. This has NEVER happened before with either of my kids, especially my younger who is kind of a "fever" running kid anytime he gets sick.


I am a bit worried about this. If it were a fever caused by illness, wouldn't he have gotten ill in some way? And if it were overheating from the electric heat, the blanket, and the pajamas, wouldn't he have started sweating???


I read once about a child who could not play sports because he did not sweat and could easily have a heat stroke. Part of me wonders if there is more to this than just a fever in the middle of the night. Am I just being a paranoid momma?

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You're not a paranoid mama, just a concerned one! What you described is not unheard of in my experience raising 4 boys. It's not routine, but it has happened that they've had very fleeting symptoms at times. Also, mine *do* feel that they're hot when feverish; chilled sometimes, too, but not always.


I'd feed/hydrate him well over the next few days and make sure he gets plenty of rest. Keep an eye on him in other situations regarding the sweating issue just to ease your mind.


Take care~


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You're not a paranoid mama, just a concerned one! What you described is not unheard of in my experience raising 4 boys. It's not routine, but it has happened that they've had very fleeting symptoms at times. Also, mine *do* feel that they're hot when feverish; chilled sometimes, too, but not always.


I'd feed/hydrate him well over the next few days and make sure he gets plenty of rest. Keep an eye on him in other situations regarding the sweating issue just to ease your mind.


Take care~




Thanks! Dh and I both really watched him closely today when he was outside playing to make sure he was sweating properly. His cheeks were really red because he was hot, but his temperature was normal and he was sweating a little bit. I am definitely going to keep an eye out.


He was playing with a child who had had the flu when we were at the park on Wednesday (of course mom mentions this AFTER my son had been playing with him for 15 minutes GRRRR). His fever was Friday night, so I just assumed it was the flu from the child at the park. However, my ds had the flu shot...so maybe it really did fight the virus??? I sure hope it was just a fever...

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Yeah, don't you love how moms do that? I always wonder why they don't keep it to themselves. I guess they don't see it as an issue.


I tend to assume that the fleeting syptoms thing *is* their body fighting something. It's kind of weird though, isn't it? For the next couple of days, you're wondering if they're going to really get sick or not!


I'm glad he was o.k. today.



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I can never understand why anyone would take a child to the park if he still had the flu, and I certainly can't comprehend how some moms don't seem to care if they or their children infect other people.


Not long ago, we went to a homeschool function and one of the moms arrived with only one of her four kids. Apparently, the other three were at home, sick as dogs. Didn't that mom realize that both she and her other dc were potentially contagious???


I try to be so careful about spreading illness, and it really bugs me when other moms are so inconsiderate!



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